Chapter 2: Betrayal

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Hey guys!

So I just wanted to say that I will only upload on Friday's, Saturday's and mabye Sunday's.

Please excuse my spelling and grammar...

And I may make quite a few time skips.

I will also change some scenes for the dramatic effect.

Enjoy ~💖

Time skip~

Third person Pov...

"Soo-won! Why did you believe me!! I was lying about the whole marrying Hak thing!" Yona whined. (Y/n) and Hak were laughing so hard they actually fell out of their chairs.

"Well you may not need to lie. You are old enough to get married and Hak isn't a bad choi-..." the King was interrupted by Yona. They had an arguement which I wasn't really paying attention to, because I was just on the floor trying to process what the King had just said. There's a chance that Yona might marry...HAK!
This made my stomach churn. I was dragged out of my thoughts by Yona storming out the room. Should I follow her? Yeah, probably.

"Hey Yona..." I walked into Yona's bedroom and saw that she was crying. Damn! I should have paid attention to what they were arguing about. I sit down next to her on the floor and pull her in for a hug. "Hey...what's wrong?" I try and say this the most gentle way I can. " Father says that I can't marry Soo-won...b-but I...Love him!" She started sobbing into my shoulder. I pat her head and said that later she could try and convince her father that she should marry Soo-won. Once she seemed to calm down I left.

Time skip~

I was busy packing my bags because I would be leaving to go back to the Wind Clan tomorrow. I heard a knock and turned around. "Hey Hak!" I walked up to him. "Why are you here?" I ask as I went back to packing. " Can't I see my best friend before she leaves?" I know that we were just friends but it still hurt. " Of course you can come and see...Wait you have a best friend?!" My voice was drenching with sarcasm. He nudged me in the ribs.

Hak's Pov...

I nudged (Y/n) in the ribs. "Whatever Squirt...!"

Time skip~

"Anndd...Finished! Finally!" (Y/n) zipped up her bag and collapsed on her bed. "Why did you bring so much stuff!" I sat next to her on her bed. "Hey! I did most of the work you lazy cow!" (Y/n) giggled. Her giggle is so cute!! Wait...BAD HAK! BAD HAK!
"Hey, let's go for a walk."
"Sure why not" I shrugged.

We were walking for quite a while when both of us noticed that there weren't that much guards out. Strange?

(Y/n) Pov...

Ok! You can do this! There is no one around...which is strange..But this will be my only time to find out what Hak really sees Yona as!

"H-hey Hak?" Why am I stuttering! "(Y/n) why are you stuttering?" "I don't know actually..." "Ok." He continues to walk. I stop to look at him, I look into his beautiful blue eyes. COME ON! YOU CAN DO THIS! "So Hak...What do you think of Yona? Like what do you see her as?" OMG! I actually did it! "Well thats a strange question (Y/n). Well I actually see her as a Speci-..." He was cut off before I could get my answer by Yona running towards us with tears in her eyes. What happened?!
"Run!" We did as we were told but Hak decided to run a bit behind us. When we reach the court yard we were cornered by the guards that were supposed to be guarding the King. Suddenly Soo-won appeared. Yona looked at him with this heartbreaking look on her face. "Where is the King Soo-won! I don't think he'd be very happy with this!" Hak looked at Soo-won, I could tell that he knew deep down that this had to do with the man in front of him. "The king is dead...He was murdered, by me..." Hak's face went really dark really fast. "All hail the new king!" All the guards said in unison. "How could you guys betray your king like this!!" I looked at them with this murderous look in my eyes. They started coming towards me, ready to attack. "This is for the good of Kouka Kingdom!" They attempted landing a hit on me, but with one slash I had sent them to the ground. While they were taking their last breathe I shouted. "FOR THE GOOD OF KOUKA MY ASS!!" Both Hak and Yona looked at me in shock.

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