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A/N. Hi guys. Before you read the one-shot, I just want to say a few things.

First: we reached 10K readers today on this fanfic/book so that's why I decided to reward you guys with another one-shot/imagine! I hope you enjoy it. It's not that long but please let me know what you think of it, it would mean the world to me xx

Also, the reason why I'm not posting that much is because I recently had a writer's block and I'm just now starting to write again. The thing is, I'm also writing other footballers that don't get posted on wattpad yet and the reason for that is that I don't want to start a whole new book/fanfic for every player that I write. So I might just put them all in one book/fanfic and start posting them here as well. I hope that's something you guys are interested in. A few of the players I've written before are Marco Asensio, James Rodriguez, Jesse Lingard, Dele Alli, Trent-Alexander Arnold and a few other players. So I will be posting a first one-shot in that book as well so please go check it out if you're interested.

 I will definitely still post my Kylian Mbappé imagines in here, though. Now, please enjoy and let me know your thoughts xx

"Yo, babe." I heard Kylian shout while I was fixing my make-up in the mirror in the bathroom.

"Yeah?" I called back, closing the lid of my lipstick before grabbing my eyeshadow palette and opening it.

"Can you come here real quick?"

"I can't, I'm doing my make-up." I said loudly, dabbing the brush over my favourite colour. I had to get ready for Kylian's game and I didn't have that much time because I'd be going to meet some friends beforehand while Kylian would meet up with his team. You'd drop him off first, though.

"I don't care, I need your help so please come over here!"

"Okay, okay, I'm coming."

Sighing, I put the brush down on the countertop and closed the palette again. Examining myself in the mirror for a few seconds, I pursed my lips and tilted my head before nodding and deciding I looked presentable enough to go out in public. I'll just have to go without eyeshadow for a day. Walking out of the bathroom and flicking the light switch off, I made my way to our bedroom. When I got there, Kylian was standing in front of the mirror in our room with his head tilted to the side and his neck stretched. He was frowning and looking at something in a funny way, muttering something under his breath and shifting back and forth.

"What are you doing?" I giggled and his eyes flashed to my reflection in the mirror before he turned around.

"Look at what you did." He said, pointing at his neck. I squinted my eyes and noticed what he had noticed before. Gasping, my hands flew over my mouth and I couldn't contain the giggle that escaped me. It appeared that I had gotten a bit too into what I was doing last night to notice that I had left something on his neck. Usually, I'd try not to do that because Kylian was in the spotlight a lot and he appeared on television at least once a week and hickeys aren't that easy to hide for someone who is out in public that much. Last night though... I had gotten too distracted by what he was doing to really pay much attention to what I was doing.

"Oh, you think it's funny, huh?" He muttered, starting to stride over to me decidedly and I squealed and put my hands up in front of me.

"No, no! It's not funny!" I said, but my mouth betrayed me and I laughed again and he huffed, reaching me and grabbing me by the waist before playfully throwing me on the bed.

"Then why are you laughing?" He asked, running his fingers over my sides teasingly and I tried to crawl away, laughing as he followed my movements, not letting me get up. Damnit, he knew I was ticklish and was taking advantage of it again. He always did this.

"Because you're tickling me!" I cackled, trying to push his hands away from my sides but instead he grabbed them in his hand and moved to press them against the mattress above my head so I couldn't move away. Crawling to lay on top of me, he gently pressed his weight down against me and then released my hands so I couldn't move even if I wanted to. He shifted to rest his forehead against mine, grinning down at me in amusement as I pouted up at him.

"You were already laughing before I started tickling you though. But seriously, babe, what am I going to do about this? I've got a game in a few hours and I'm gonna be on international television. Everyone's going to see I've got a big ass hickey on my neck!"

"So? It's not that big of a deal, baby. They'll just see that your girlfriend really loves you." I smiled at him, slinging my arms up and around his shoulders. Kylian grinned again, leaning down to peck my lips.

"I love you and I love that comment you just made and you're the sweetest person ever, but be serious for a second, babe. There's going to be little kids watching and everything."

"Well, I can't do anything about it now. I can't put make-up on it because you'll probably be sweating so much that it'll come right off. So, you'll have to suffer through this. And you can't be responsible for all the little kids out there. Their parents will figure something out to say if they ask about it. They probably won't even notice because they'll be too focused on your football skills." I whispered the last bit, leaning up to nudge his nose with mine before pressing my lips against his softly. He sighed in defeat and kissed me back, lingering for a few seconds longer before pulling back and pushing himself up and off me. I rolled to lay on my side and propped my head up with my hand so I could look at him. Stretching his back, he walked back over to the mirror, examining the hickey again before throwing his hands in the air and giving up, walking over to our walk-in closet.

"You know I'm probably gonna get teased for this in the changing room." He said as he grabbed a shirt and put his arms through it before pulling it over his head. I hummed, watching as he grabbed his phone from the dresser and put it in his back pocket, reached down for his duffel bag and started to walk back towards me. On his way to the bed where I lay, he caught his reflection in the mirror once more and tilted his head to the side again before shaking it.

"Fuck that, I'm definitely getting teased for this." He said miserably and I chuckled, letting him pull me up when he reached for me.

"Yeah, yeah. Very funny. Just get your cute butt in the car before I decide to give you a hickey as well for payback." He said, smacking my butt as he nudged me towards the door.

I could hear him laughing loudly behind me as I was running towards the front door.

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