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It was later in the night now, drinks have been drunk, dances have been had and its only 11. All the campmates were dancing in a big circle on the dance floor. Some are clearly born dancers (Roman, Myles, and Andy tries bless him) others it was a bit more awkward (Andrew, Cliff, James) None the less it was great fun. Apple Bottom Jeans came on the big music speakers and the whole dance floor lost their minds, you could tell we were very drunk by this point. Somehow Kate and I got pushed into the middle of the circle, 

"I think we've got to 'get low'" She said into my ear, I couldnt stop laughing. I dont know if it was nerves, the drink, or the way Kate said 'get low'. We waited for the song to get to the chorus, I gave Kate a look as if to say 'follow my lead' and we both got low. The dancefloor got wild again and Kate and I quickly left the centre of the circle and rejoined the others, we both couldnt stop laughing, 

"Yo Myles is losing his mind!" Roman said laughing, we quickly pushed two more people into the circle in time for the next chorus, it just so happened to be Ian and Andrew. 

The song ended and was quickly followed by 'I gotta feeling' they were clearly playing the oldies tonight, that or whoever is in charge of the music has been in a coma since 2012. The circle dispersed, to go get new drinks, talk to other people, or simply just avoid having to do anymore awkward dad dancing. 

"Heyyy" I heard, suddenly a hand was placed on my back, I turned around. "You okay?" Myles said, I nodded and smiled, "You want a drink?" He asked, I just nodded.

Belle, why the fuck aren't you talking? stop just nodding like a weirdo and actually say something

Myles handed me a vodka and coke, we clinked our glasses and he lead me to some seats. 

"You're a good dancer you know," He says, I roll my eyes, "I mean it,"

Seriously Belle, say something. 

"So are you!" I laugh,

"I mean I probably couldn't get low like you did," He winked, we talked for a little longer and finished our drinks. 

please dont stop the music by rihanna came on and Lucas came running over to me squealing

"BELLE ITS OUR SONG WE GOTTA GO COME ON WE GOTTA GO QUICK QUICK QUICK!" He shouted, hopping from leg to leg. He was right, it was our song. He was extremely drunk. I laughed and rolled my eyes, "Gotta go, Its our song," I got up. Myles took my empty glass to take it back to the bar, "No worries," He said getting up, "See you later," He kissed my head. 

I made my way to the dance floor, Lucas was lost in the bodies of people. 

"Lost?" I heard, I turned to see Roman. I laughed and rolled my eyes,

"Yes," I nodded, "You haven't seen a very drunk Lucas have you?" I asked, 

"Hes going mental on the floor, he'll pop up soon, he's dancing amongst all the bodies," He told me,

"God thats so awkward," I said "Hes gonna regret that in the morning, if he can even remember it." I rolled my eyes,

"You're welcome to dance with me till he re-emerges," He laughs, I took his hand and we danced.

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