Chapter 13

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After I left Liam and Drew to have some alone time I headed into my room. Niall said to dress nicely for the date tonight so I did. Knowing him he'll end up taking us to McDonalds. I laughed to myself as I picked out a dress. It was black on top and the skirt was mesh and had different colors throughout it. I put on black pumps that buckled by a thin strap around the ankles and let my red hair fall down straight. I grabbed a black clutch and walked out of the hotel room.

"So, going somewhere?" Taryn asked while walked past with Andy.

"Yeah, Niall and I have a date." I smiled.

"Well, have fun!" She smiled and opened the door and I saw Harry trying to put a diaper in Alex.

I laughed and headed down stairs. Niall texted saying that there was a limo out front for me and I rolled my eyes. When I headed out two workers opened the doors and all the fans backed up. I gave several a confused look and then noticed the rose petals making a path towards the limo. I followed it and the limo door was opened.

I sat inside and saw a little note. I picked it up and started reading. The driver drove off, taking me to this mysterious destination. I laughed at the note and texted Niall telling him that I was headed to the destination. When the limo stopped I got out and followed the roses again. There was another little note and I picked it up.

As I was reading someone tapped my shoulder. I turned and smiled at Niall's crystal blue eyes. He took my hand and lead me down the road. I laughed as we entered a fancy restaurant and got our table immediately.

"So, what are your plans for tonight?" I asked.

"Eat, drink, give you a present." He winked.

"Niall, you don’t have to get me anything, we've been over this." I giggled.

"Well, I really want you to have this one." He smiled as our food came.

We ate and as we finished the lights dimmed. Niall stood up and took my hand. Everyone looked over at us and I flushed at the attention. Niall faced me and was handed a microphone. I gave him a look and the restaurant quieted.

"Victoria Angela McCloud, forgive me for using your full name." He chuckled. "But if you say yes then we'll all hear it again, at the altar. If you want to change your last name and be known as Vi Horan, I'd be the happiest man in the world." He went down on one knee and pulled out a ring box.

"Niall…" I breathed.

"Vi, marry me?" He asked shyly.

I smiled and nodded. He stood and slipped the ring onto my finger and spun me around. I laughed as everyone applauded and took pictures. Niall kissed me deeply and I smiled and cupped his face. We sat back down and, of course, Niall ordered a small hot fudge cake with ice cream.

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