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So this is where you'll comment your forms, please put everything in one comment unless you forgot something then just reply to your earlier comment, or unless you're using more then one oc, then you can do one comment per each oc!!I'll also comment my oc(s) at the end of this!!





What they look like:(hair and eye color, height, etc)

Personality:(make sure you give them some flaws)

Clothing style:(can use pictures)


Fav class:

Year you're in and age:(make sure the year and age match up, I'll list them below...

First year: 11
Second year: 12
Third year: 13
Fourth year:14
Fifth year:15
Sixth year:16
And seventh year:17


Hogwarts house:

Family:(you can be siblings of people from harrys timeline if you want but it's defo not necessary)

Back story:(optional)

Likes/dislikes:optional but would be nice

Crush:(you can say if you don't have one and find someone to let you crush on their character in comments if you want of course)

And if you come up with anything else you wanna say go for it!!:)

So here are my forms cause I'll be rping as well obvi aha and y'all can use them for example if needed!

NAME:Brinley Black
NICKNAME:brin or leah (don't matter)
SEXUALITY :pan but calls herself bi mostly cause it's easier
BLOOD STATUS:pure blood
FAV CLASS: transfiguration(although not very good at it)and potions
HOGWARTS HOUSE:slytherin duh
APPEARANCE:she's 5'3, curvy but not overly, looks intimidating, black shaggy hair that goes to her shoulders but doesn't look grossly messy, silver eyes that look close to the moon, plump lips and a pretty sharp jaw.
PERSONALITY:very sassy, she's constantly teasing people and being a bit too sarcastic. Most people can't tell between her being actually mean and being sarcastic or teasing anymore. She's really funny though when you understand her humour. She's really nice as well, but it'll take a while for her to really open up to you. She's very flirty but that doesn't always mean she likes you.
CLOTHING STYLE:she wears a lot of muggle clothing even though she's a pure blood wizard. She likes wearing band tshirts, flannel, random shirts she finds(as long as it's a dark color), and jeans(usually very black and too ripped) under her robes and in her spare time. She's pretty edgy if you want a word to describe her style!
CRUSH:doesn't have one yet(totally fine with y'all asking to crush on her or if y'all want to ask if she should crush on you)
FAMILY:only child, lives with one of her parents and rudalphis(canT spell that) but also stays at the Malfoy house often. Her mom is bellatrix lestrange (she wanted her last name changed to black though instead of lestrange) and she doesn't know her dad but everyone assumes it's voldemort or a slip up with her husband rudalpis(I cAnT spell)
LIKES/DISLIKES:loves the color green(it's pretty much the only color she does like), totally and utterly obsessed with coffee, reading and music which she fills all her free time with. She loves the view friends she has made but also enjoys being alone sometimes! She dislikes the Colors pink and yellow more then any other color, she really dislikes people who are too serious, hates the idea of being a death eater(I'll tell you others if we're friends or anything)
BACKSTORY:she was born into one of the worst and best possible families ever.. the blacks/malfoys/lestranges all supported eachother but in the way a normal family should, they made eachother scared to get what they wanted, and if they didn't do certain things they were disowned very quickly. She had a decent childhood, but her mom was always more worried about Voldemort then her so she spent a lot of time with draco(her little cousin) and narcissa. As she's gotten older hogwarts has been her escape from her mothers obsessive behaviour. Over the past while bellatrix has really wanted her daughter to join the death eaters, but what she doesn't know is her daughter hates the thought of it and lies and persuades to get outta it!

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