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May 26, 1994

Stevie was miserable. Absolutely miserable. Their little baby girl was not ready to come out and Stevie gave the eviction notice at 38 weeks because that's when Aubree came. But no amount of spicy food, sex, or walking could get this baby to come out and here they were three weeks later on Stevie's 45th birthday. Lindsey felt for her, he really did. Not only was she slightly overdue, but it was also the beginning of the Fashion season and the beginning of the Awards season. She was pissed that she was missing it all, but Karen was doing the best she can and was keeping her informed on everything but Stevie was ready. Absolutely ready to get this baby out. She was hot, she felt huge, and she just wanted her second little girl to be in her arms already. 

Aubree was now sleeping in a big girl bed at age three. Much like her crib sheets were, the colors of her bedspread were mint and pink but it was polka dots. Her sheets didn't match, but that didn't matter. She was currently sleeping on teddy bear sheets. They had switched her to a bed when they made up the nursery for the new baby. This one was slightly more subtle with lilac walls and white chiffon curtains. There was a white rug in the middle of the room and the crib sheets were lilac and white polka-dotted. Stevie crocheted a lilac blanket for this baby. Stevie also designed more clothes. A lot of Aubree's were still good but there was a lot that was too stained up for Stevie's liking. She wasn't stupid, she knew that babies stained clothing but some were just way too bad. So Stevie made new ones to make up for the ones she got rid of. 

Lindsey went into Aubree's room and woke the little girl up. The three-year-old and her father made Stevie some breakfast, Strawberries and Cream oatmeal and some toast and Aubree ran into the bedroom. She crawled onto the bed using the bench at the foot and then she jumped on Stevie, one of her knees hitting her stomach. Stevie sat up with a wince and a jolt and then sighed when saw Aubree. 

"Happy Birthday Mama." She cheers wrapping her arms around her mother's neck. 

"Awe thanks, sweet girl," Stevie says sitting up and situating Aubree on her lap. 

It was then that Lindsey came in and presented her with breakfast.

As Stevie was getting out of the shower, she had to grab onto the towel rack and her hand fell to the bottom of her heavy stomach.

"Well you little shit, all you needed was for your sister to knee you to get you to come out," Stevie whispers to her stomach. 


Stevie made it through most of the day and even though the party Lindsey threw for her with her co-workers and some of their friends was coming to an end, and after they had put Aubree up for the night, Stevie had insisted on doing the dishes. It was her nesting thing. 

Karen was handing her a dish when Stevie immediately hunched over and with soapy hands clutching at her denim dress she looked at Karen and Karen knew. 

"Alright, I'll stay here with Aubree but first I'm going to go get Lindsey." Karen sighs as Stevie nods and lets a moan squeak past her lips. 

When Karen walked in with Lindsey, Stevie was back standing up straight and she was unplugging the drain in the sink.

"What's going on?" Lindsey asks.

"Call Dr. Thompson, I'm going to get some shoes on and meet you in the car." Stevie dries her hands and places one hand on his cheek before another pain overcomes her and she ends up moving her hands to his hips and she just presses her head into his chest and sways her hips back and forth.

"Oh, Goddddd." She groans. 

"How long have you been in labor?" Lindsey asks rubbing at her back.

When the contraction passes she stands up straight again and rolls her head back. "Since I got out of the shower." 

"Angel, that was at 11:30 you should've said something earlier." He states.

"I knew it was going to be a while. But please Lindsey hurry." She pleads.

"Yeah alright, let's go." He nods going over to the phone. 


Giving birth this time took a lot out of her. So when Lindsey came back over holding their little pink bundle instead of sitting up she was laying down. Lindsey just crawled in the bed with her and laid the baby on her mother's chest. 

Dr. Thompson walked in and smiled at them. She didn't say anything, she just held up the birth certificate, placed on the table and walked out. 

"Fill it out, Lindsey," Stevie instructs tiredly. 

"Okay." He kisses her head and reaches over her and grabs it. 

"Tenley Kaye Buckingham, born on May 27, 1994, at 2:01 in the morning to...sign your name." Lindsey hands it to her. "Stephanie Lynn Buckingham and Lindsey Adams Buckingham Weight 7 pounds 2 ounces. 21 inches long." 

After a minute Stevie laughs. 

"What?" Lindsey questions.

"Did I just use my baby as a table?" She asks referring to when she signed her name against the baby's little back.

"You did, yeah." Lindsey chuckles.

"Help me sit up so I can look at her," Stevie says as Lindsey nods and helps her sit up. 

First, she checks out the fingers and the toes and then she pulls off the little hat. 

"She's got brown curls." She smiles, her free hand reaching up and ruffling Lindsey's hair.

"She does. She has blue eyes too. She opened up for a little bit while they were doing the heel prick, she didn't like it." Lindsey shakes his head.

"Well I wouldn't think so, would you like a heel prick test?" Stevie asks.

"Not particularly no." He grins. 

After a moment Stevie lays her head on Lindsey's shoulder. "I'm sore." She sighs.

"I know, you're tired too. I'll put her in the little crib and we'll get some sleep. In the morning Karen's going to bring Aubree by." 

"It is morning." Stevie looks at the clock.

"Late morning." He goes to take her.

"No, let me kiss her first," Stevie demands as he brings the baby back over to her. 

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