Chapter One: So close, yet so far...

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I walked the streets of my village after a long and dreadful day at school. The sun was slowly starting to set and everyone in the village was starting to close their shops or leave work. Everyday, around this time, I would walk to the town's towering wall that surrounded the entire village. Blocking everyone off from the outside. There are only a few who are allowed to go outside the village. It would miners or hunters going to gather resources for the villagers inside, but it was a very dangerous task. As a child, we were taught that the village was a safe haven from the dangers outside. They never told us of what lies outside, well, except my parents told me in secret. I remember asking my parents if it was really dangerous out there. They told me it was, monsters made of pure shadow lurked outside, but they told me not to be afraid.They told me the world outside may be full of dangers but it is also filled with beautiful things. Such as big bodies of water called oceans that had treasures down below, open fields filled with flowers, forests containing towering trees that are bigger than the wall. There are even different creatures or mobs. Some being helpful or kind, others who are neutral and will not bother you unless provoked, and there are hostile mobs. But they told me that i could not tell others about what I have learned about the outside. They didn't want me to get in trouble. The last thing they told me is never to be afraid.

After that, all I wanted was to leave this hell hole of the village. All it has done for me it has brought me pain and suffering. When i try to make the best of my life, i'm always thrown back down. Especially after my parents death.

I was now standing in front of a section of the wall, watching the sunset before it completely disappeared behind the wall. "So much for trying to see it set fully." I sighed. "Best head back before "he" gets home." Before i walked away, something bright orange caught my eye. I got closer and realised it was a girl that looked around my age. Her hair was short and bright orange and she wore a green hoodie with dark green shorts. She looked to be asleep. I gently nudged her and she started to stir and woke up. "I don't mean to wake you, but if one of the elders see you here, you could get in trouble." I said. Her fiery eyes widened and started to look around frantically. "NO NO NO!" She said in a panicked state. "Quick human, how do i get out?!" She asked. "Well, there is one way but...they lock the doors at night." I told her and she sighed and slumped down in defeat. Wait, did she call me human? "That's just great, if the other humans don't kill me, John will." I thought for a moment. "I have an idea, you can come with me if you're needing a place to hide." She looked up in surprise."Really?! You're willing to help me human?" I nodded and i was then hugged. "But I do have one question." I said. "Why do you keep calling me human? Its like you don't refer to yourself as one." She then stopped hugging me and gave me a confused look. "You mean you don't know what I am?" I shook my head no, I then looked at the sky and saw that it was getting darker. "Come. We need to hurry to my home. My curfew is almost up." I said as I gently tugged her along with me.She followed but pulled her hood over her hair and face, like she didn't want to be seen by others. As we walked the streets, a guard stopped us. "Ladies, it's getting really close to curfew. Might i ask where you two are heading this late?" He asked. I glanced over at the girl and I could see her getting nervous. So I acted quickly. "We were heading to my house sir. My friend got lost, so I was showing her the way." The guard sighed. "Alright, but head straight home. It's dangerous at this time of night." I nodded and we both hurried past the guard.

We were now in front of my home and to my relief, he wasn't home yet. "Fair warning, my 'guardian' tends to drink a lot. So i'm sorry if it smells like booze in the main area." I told her as I unlocked the front door. "It's no problem, I'm surprised that you're willing to even help me. Even when we just met." She said as she pulled her hood down. "Well, my parents told me to be kind to others. No matter how different you or that person could be, no matter how badly the world treats you and to have good judgement." I responded as I opened the door. We both covered our noses as a strong smell of alcohol met us. Even though I have lived here my whole life, the smell always took me by surprise. Inside you can see empty bottles and dishes on the table. As we walked towards the staircase, the smell started to become bearable. We made it to my room, possibly the only clean place here. In my room, I had a window seal like bed and my normal bed. "Well, you can sleep on my bed and I can sleep on the other." I said as I grabbed an extra pillow and blanket. "Are you sure? I don't mind sleeping there."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2020 ⏰

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