BSM: Wedding Jitters

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Imagine: your brother's reactions to seeing you getting married.

Third Person P.O.V

"What's taking her so long?"
"Dean, it's her wedding day. She can take as long as she wants." Sam says. He looks at his brother, fiddling with the cuff links on his suit. Dean was obviously impatient, he'd been this way for weeks leading up to the big day. His little sister, his beautiful sister was getting married. He liked Miles. Honestly, he was the only man in his opinion that was worthy of her. Sam felt the same way. This day was both happy and a bit sad.

"Here," Sam gestured to his brother and he relented, letting him take over.

"There. You're ready." Sam pointedly looks at Dean, a whole conversation passing between them about their sister and letting her go. Dean nods and breathes out, relaxing a bit. The door to the bridal room clicks and both boys immediately stand to attention.

Your P.O.V

I take a deep breath in and out per Charlie's request. She was a bit concerned because I'd started freaking out. Not cold feet I'd assured her. I just didn't want to mess it up. The ceremony or the marriage. I love Miles. He was perfect. And myself being anything less than perfect today wouldn't be good enough.

"Y/n please, you and Miles were made for each other and there's nothing that you can do that will screw it up."
"But what if..."
"No stop." She stepped away from adjusting my strap and looked at me in the mirror. A slow smiled drifted onto her face.
"You look beautiful. I'm so happy for you." She was so close to crying and so was I.
"Thanks. Shall we see what the boys think?" I ask her, turning away from the mirror.
"Yep. I'll get that," she steps in front of me to open the door.

I step out and see the boys standing to attention. I chuckle a little. Both of them are staring and I think they've stopped breathing. Sam's jaw drops and Dean has a smile tears combo.

"Okay both of you need to stop before I start crying and ruin my makeup." That gets them moving and apologising.

"You look gorgeous cupcake," Dean says and kisses my cheek.
"You really do," Sam pipes in and brush a stray lock from my face.

Dean takes my right hand and folds it into the crook of his elbow and Sam does the same on me left.

We stand there a moment, the three of us connected and ready for the world as always. I nod and we begin moving forward toward the doors of the church, ready to start this new chapter of my life with Miles. And as always my fantastic older brothers.

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