Chapter 3

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      Becky's mom knocked on the door and came in. Her mom sat on the side of the bed and put her hand up to Becky's forehead. Her mom gasped and said,

"Poor you you are as hot as lava."

Becky's eyes felt like popping out because she wasn't actually sick. If Becky was getting mad there would be a whole lot of explaining to do to her mom. Her mom finally left Becky got up and looked in the mirror she touched her face and it was warm so she looked closely and her face was turning red so she jumped into her bed and fell asleep.

Becky's POV

When I woke up I felt a little better so I got up and looked in the mirror my face wasn't red anymore and wasn't hot. My mom knocked on the door and came in she saw I was up and said happily,

"Look who’s up, are you feeling better?"

I answered back but very quietly,

"Yeah but my throat still hurts and I am shivering."

She came and gave me a hug and asked if I could go to school today and I was thinking, No way Jose'. I nodded like I said yes but I didn't know what I was thinking I couldn't go to school what if Chris knew it was me. I couldn't show my face to him ever again. My mom left and said,

"If you are going today you have to get dressed."

I answered back,


I couldn't believe I said I was going I am going to be really embarrassed. I finally got dressed and said to myself,

"Calm down, you can do it don't be embarrassed."

Then my mom yelled from the living room,

"Are you ready yet!"

I grabbed my backpack turned off my lights and walked out into the living room. When I got there my mom gave me a hug and I left. On my way to the bus stop I started thinking about the whole situation and when I got there I ran into Chris. He asked me why I wasn't at school yesterday and I didn't say anything. Finally the bus got here and I walked to the back like usual once we got to school I rushed to my first class and sat down.

I didn't know what to do so I just sat there looking at my lap. Once the class started coming in I felt really weird then finally Chris walked through and we looked at each other. I quickly turned my head and looked back down at my lap. Chris sat down and we would glance at each other every once in a while. I felt like someone was squeezing my heart and wouldn't let go but once the bell rang I felt like they finally released it.

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