★ | 168. the sociopath, the vampire diaries

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 168: The Sociopath, The Vampire Diaries
Word Count: 1095

Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 168: The Sociopath, The Vampire Diaries Word Count: 1095

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Ever since Kai Parker had left the prison world, he had one main thing on his mind. A male called [name]. He was pretty much obsessed with him but could you blame him? [name] was the most perfect human being he had ever seen. The only problem was everyone had turned him against Kai and now it was so much harder to try and see him.

But Kai was persistent and he wasn't going to give up. He would make [name] his. He just had to be patient.

Speaking of the human being, [name] was at the Salvatore Boarding house in his room. He wasn't related to them but had moved in when he and Stefan started dating. They weren't dating anymore but were still friends so he didn't need to move out.

He had had a troubled life growing up and he would forever be grateful to Stefan for getting him out of the house he shared with his abusive family. He would always love him but he doubted they would get back together. Stefan was to focused on Elena now.

He moved from his bed when he heard footsteps coming from outside. Damon and Stefan weren't supposed to be back until late and he wasn't expecting anyone else.

He walked over to his door and opened it, sticking his head out and looking down the hallway. "Hello? Who's there?" He really hoped someone hadn't broken in to kidnap him.

Instead of getting an answer back he was greeted by silence, only making his nerves go up more. Only someone who had bad intentions wouldn't want him knowing they were there.

He wasn't going to stay in the house any longer, not when he felt like this. He picked up his keys and went to leave, only for his eyes to feel drowsy and he stumbled on his feet, clutching onto the wall to try and keep his balance.

"What is happening to me?" He questioned, not being able to stand any longer and he collapsed to the ground.

The last thing he saw before he blacked out was a pair of sneakers making their way over to him. Please don't kidnap me, I don't want to be another Elena, he thought before passing out.

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His eyes slowly opened and when he saw who was across from him, he threw his head back and groaned loudly, "seriously, Kai! You can't just go around kidnapping people!" He shouted angrily.

He looked down at himself, seeing he was chained to a chair and he also noticed they were in the middle of any empty Mystic Grill. The smell of chicken wafted into his nose and his eyes moved down, seeing a plate of food in front of him.

"I don't just kidnap anyone. You're special." Kai pointed at him with his fork. "Besides, how else was I supposed to get you on this date?"

"Date? This is a date? Are you insane?" He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Wait, I forgot you are." He leaned forward. "This is not a date. I don't date sociopaths!"

Kai pouted, "that's very judgy of you. I'm a great guy but you won't even take the time to get to know me? I must say, I am very disappointed in you."

"Great guy? You kidnapped me! Did you think that would make me fall head over heels for you?" [name] dropped his head, trying to wiggle around to see if he could get his hands free. "Please just let me go."

"Not until we finish this date." Kai said stubbornly.

"If you're going to keep me chained up, I don't consider this a date. I can't even eat the food." And he had to admit, he was starving.

Kai put his hand on his chin, thinking if he should late the other male out. He laughed and shook his head saying, "if I let you out you'll try and run. I'll feed you the food, it'll be so romantic." He got up and moved his chair closer.

"If you even think about doing that, I will bite you. I promise. You should make the most of the time you have because when Stefan notices I'm gone, he'll come straight after me and you'll be in big trouble." He said confidently.

"I'm not afraid of the big bad Stefan. He's got nothing against me." Kai tilted his head to the side. "You should forget about him. He's worthless and would rather be with Elena then you. That is something I don't understand. You are so freaking awesome and Elena is..." He paused, trying to think of the right word. "She sucks."

"I don't like her much either but Stefan sees something in her." He didn't want to talk about Stefan and Elena. It hurt to much. He looked over at Kai and said, "I promise if you unchain me, I'm not going to run. I'll have dinner and I'll stay put." I don't have anything better to do.

The honesty in his voice meant he was either a really good liar or he was telling the truth. If he tried to run again, Kai would just knock him out so he walked over to him and unlocked the chain.

"Thank you." [name] said, bringing his wrists up and rubbing them to ease the pain. He started to eat the food slowly as he barely listened to Kai ramble on about something.

He put his chin on his hand and looked Kai over. If the guy wasn't evil, he wouldn't mind going on an actual date with him. No he did not count this as a date.

When all the food was finished, he pushed his plate away and said, "I would like to go home now and please do not kidnap me again. I don't appreciate it."

Kai groaned, "fine. I won't kidnap you again. As long as you go on a second date with me."

"There wasn't even a first-" He cut himself off and said, "I'll think about it." He stood up and gave Kai one last look. "Goodbye." At least he didn't keep him there longer then he had wanted to.

He left the Mystic Grill and pulled out his phone, seeing no missed calls or messages. Stefan really hadn't noticed he was gone. He frowned and put his phone away.

Kai was right about one thing. Stefan wasn't worth it and he wasn't going to waste anymore of his time pining over him.

★ ★ ★

Authors Note: See below!

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