Chapter 3

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What do i do now

its not that i don't Love him

It's just i don't want to disappoint them in my lack of reaction

should i say something dramatic

or keep it simple

an I love you too?

im just going to say what i feel



Me and my Mom are at the airport right now to pick up my boyfriend
He studies at the States because he got accepted a law school there

but why is he going back here

well it's because "he wanted to see me" yep that is his reason i feel like something is going on why would he suddenly want to go home to see me
i do miss him and all but what about his studies and-

"Honey his here!"

"Hey Babe" My Boyfriend smiled at me

shit i friggin zoned out

"Babe!  Oh my gosh i missed you!" Yes ofcourse i miss him his my boyfriend it's been a year since we saw  each other

i hugged him tightly "i missed you" i whisper while holding back tears

"Hey don't cry"  He smiled

"let's go back im tired" I said tiredly


~2 days later~

I woke up from the sound my alarm

"fuck i need to go to work"

once I'm done i quickly ran down stairs and eat breakfast and kiss my mom and sister goodbye

"Bye Guys!"

"Whats with the hurry?"

"I'm going to be late my boss is going to kill me" i said as i ran to the door


"That was a tiring day" i said as i got off the bus and continued walking towards the familiar gate

"What the" i said in confusion as I saw a trail of red rose petals leading to to the open house door

the petals leaded towards the garden and the very end there i see my mom?

"Mom what the heck is happening"

"Just go with the flow dear" Mom said as she gave me a rose

and then i see my sister not very far from me with a another rose

whats with the roses

"congrats in advance sis" she said


and then one by one my family menbers give me roses as i counted it it was 6


6 years...

We have been dating for 6 years..

but what does it mean though?

I lost my thought as I saw my boyfriend with a a bunch of roses

he gave it to me witha smile in his face

I smiled back

but what he did next suprised me

he knelt down on the ground and said these word

"We have been dating for the past 6 years and you gave me joy for 6 years and i wanted to tell you that i want to spend my whole life with you and I am asking you. Will you Marry me?"



What do i do now

its not that i don't Love him

It's just i don't want to dissapoint them in my lack of reaction

should i say something dramatic

or keep it simple

an I love you too?

im just going to say what i feel



"Yes" i said

He smiled back and slipped the ring in my ring finger and got uo and hug me

"She said Yes!"

the family celebrates

"My baby is finally getting Married" my mom said teary eyed

"Mom its not the wedding yet chill"
i said and smiled


word count: 577

GuYyYsssSsss chapter 3 is finally out it took me about an hour to make this short chapter just to ensure you guys that im still writing this book and might even continue writing  more i miss you all imma cri.
but for now i apologize that this is the only content you all get but don't worry i will try and make linger chapters for the sake of me and you guys i hope you all will continue and support me and my ugly ass  i love you all.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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