No way in hell was I going to be turned in.
So I agreed to help him.
WEDNESDAY: 8:30 am,School Library
So there I was trying not to look up from my book while waiting for Kan. 'This is hell' I thought when I felt something behind me. "Well red are we going or not?" The voice asked. "Red?" I replied. "Yeah Red."
"Fine whatever.Lets go." we traveled the the Non-fiction part of the library when nobody ever goes and I found his string. "Stay here while I follow it." I told him"don't move a single step."
I followed it closely and then it stopped. Disappeared into thin air.'Oh no' I thought'This means his souled mate is a seer too. Damn I'm screwed. Yeah I could be his girlfriend but...No people would know something's up i mean me with him No Way In Hell he is the best looking guy in school and I'm well just a nerdy outcast.'"Well who's the lucky lady?" Kan asked. I then explains to him the rules and restrictions of seeing to which he replied."Them that must mean your my soul mate."
"No that can't be."
"Why not?"
"It just can't I'll find the other seer."
"No need your the only one in the school."
"No FATE."