17: There Was Five

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"What's do you mean we're going to New York?" I asked.

"You know that beautiful state that goes by the name of New York in the country of the United States of America that also happens to be in the continent of North America, which happens to be neighbors with the countries named Canada and Mexico? Yeah, that one." Leila said in a sarcastic tone.

"That hurt my brain." Penelope joked, massaging her temples.

"Yeah," Jaxon concurred. "I finished school and did not go to college for a reason."

"Ha, ha, very funny," I shot back, giving her a playful glare. "I mean why are we going to New York in the first place?"

"I have business to do with Damien and Mateo," Luca retorted. "I have to discuss a few things over the casinos I run and own on the west coast."

"Why? I mean you always have business meetings, but never take us. So why now?" I questioned him.

Penelope interrupted with a cheeky grin. "I overheard him talking about it with Nathan."

"We all know she has a small crush on Mateo, so when she overheard us talking about him, she begged Luca to let her tag along," Nathan explained with a straight face as Penelope flared her arms up and down in excitement. "She also demanded you, Jaxon, and Leila to come along as well."

"Ah, that explains why she looks like she's about to burst like a piñata." I laughed, looking at an overhyped Penelope.

"Can we hurry up with getting ready? I'm not in the mood to stand here any longer and watch Penelope act anymore crazy," Leila commented, crossing her arms. "She already made Catalina and I walk for hours."

"That's normal for Pen. She's a freaking crackhead." I noted.

"Like you?" Nathan mumbled, side eyeing me. "Yeah, I see your influence."

"Pedazo de mierda (Piece of shit)." I shot back as I tried to hide a smirk daring to escape my lips.

"What's does that mean?" Penelope asked out of pure curiosity.

"God! I'm gonna have to thank mom and dad for encouraging us to learn Spanish, right Luca?" Leila asked in between her small laughs.

Finally allowing his smirk to show through, he replied, "Definitely."

"I thought y'all had a good friendship?" Leila questioned me.

"Oh I lied. Nathan is a little bitch," I answered with a smile. "But in all seriousness, we're good. We just joke around like that."

"Aw," Nathan remarked in fake excitement. "I'd take a nerf bullet for you, dear."

I replied with a chuckle, rolling my eyes. "Thanks, honey."

"Anyways, I'm heading out. If we're leaving soon I have to go pack." I said before leaving Luca's office.


The Following Day

Exiting the black SUV, a man in his late twenties entered what was called "The Grand Sunnyside Hotel," which was ironic to the man considering it was one of the smallest places he had ever seen.

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