✰ Chapter Four ✰

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✧ Stubborn ✧ November 18th, 2020✧

Pulling up to the address Mel gave me, I'm shocked

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Pulling up to the address Mel gave me, I'm shocked.

Well that answers my question as to why Hunter stays with Zayn if he hates him

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Well that answers my question as to why Hunter stays with Zayn if he hates him. I turn off the car and get out, I walk up to the door and ring the bell waiting patiently

"Yes?" A voice spoke

I look to see a little girl with brown hair and eyes like Zayn's

I look to see a little girl with brown hair and eyes like Zayn's

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"Hi sweetie is Zayn here?" I ask her

She looks at me then nods

"He's in the fashion room" She tells me

Fashion room?

"Zoey, did you answer the door again!?" A woman asks coming from what I'm assuming is the kitchen

"Yes mommy it's for Zaynie" Zoey sings then skips off

"What have I told you—" She pauses "Justin?"

I smile at the woman who I know as one of my mother's bosses

I smile at the woman who I know as one of my mother's bosses

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