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JEONGGUK DIDN'T FANCY the idea of traveling, especially since his last home patient. He had felt the guilt on his shoulders and it remained there to this day.

     Jeongguk found himself packing his two suitcases with his items, one being clothes, toothbrush and his toothpaste. The other suitcase was his reports he still yet to finish, and luckily they had a typewriter.

     Which seems unlikely, considering they're paying this huge amount of money to send a doctor out where they're at. But nonetheless, good money, and Jeongguk would be a moron to decline.

     Jeongguk's apartment was empty, the only thing not making it fully empty was the furniture. But even then, it looked dark and gloomy. It wasn't like he had someone, he felt that having someone would distract him from his work.

     And nowadays, pigs have been throwing themselves to him, no matter the gender. Jeongguk kinda just wished he had someone to come home to, that was a bloodsucking-money leech.

     Jeongguk finished up, and headed out, pulling the bags out from his apartment, making sure the lights were out. Then as he was pulling out his suitcases, he bent down and slid a spare key in a little hole beside the door, securing it by covering it with a doormat.

     Jeongguk heard a loud gasp, and quickly stood up, looking to his side to capture a woman in her late-40's with her gloved hand covering her mouth, and she was approaching in quite a fast manner.

     "You're leaving?" The woman questioned when she got close with Jeongguk. Jeongguk took a tiny step back, and nods curtly.

     He already reported to his landlord that he would be excused for about a month, and considering that there was a popular doctor living in his building, he gave an 'okay', and told him he didn't need to pay any expenses while the other was out.

     Jeongguk hasn't told anyone else in this building, definitely not the women who was attempting to get more closer, "Yes ma'am, apologies, but I must hurry to my cab." Jeongguk tries to swiftly exit past her but she was covering the hallway.

     "That's quite a shame! Where to?" The woman pressed, and Jeongguk knew she was bound to gossip about it with her group, and Jeongguk didn't feel the need to tell her.

     "Sorry to be cruel or anything ma'am, but I must leave, it's dire." Jeongguk urged, as gently (and fake) as he could.

     The woman notices the other's stance and nods, moving to the side to let him through, "At least let my grandson help you!" And just in cue, a boy that was hidden behind the lady looks over the woman's hip and makes eye contact.

     Great. "Of course, if he's strong enough!" Jeongguk teases and the boy nods, determined to impress. He grabs the smallest suitcase, and makes his way to the stairs, Jeongguk turns to the lady for a brief moment, "How old is he?"

     The woman diverts her attention from the little boy to Jeongguk, "About fifteen Jeongguk." The woman grins, and then turns on her heels and followed after her grandson.

     Jeongguk follows suit, pulling his heavy suitcase along with him. He rushes himself to the first level, pulling his suitcase down the sturdy steps.

Jeongguk sees the child placing the suitcase to the back of the cab, and the cab driver assisted. Jeongguk heads over and hands it to the cab driver, who places if carefully in the back.

Jeongguk turns back at the two, awaiting for their goodbyes. Jeongguk bows their head to them, and hands about forty won to the child, because they were going to ask for it eventually.

Jeongguk pretended to not notice the way the child's eyes beamed upon the money, and the woman rubs the boy's back, smiling down at him.

"Thank you for helping me," Jeongguk thanks, ignoring the hatred inside for thanking people when he could've done so himself just fine. But he had to act like he was generous unfortunately.

The boy nods and smiles a little, before hopping back up the steps to their apartment, and the lady moves and kisses Jeongguk on the cheek, a bit wet smooch, before Jeongguk could even process the action.

Jeongguk fought the urge to shudder or hurl, and lets it happen. She pulls away and smiles at Jeongguk, "Be safe!" She bid her goodbye before turning and heading up the steps after her grandson.

Jeongguk didn't bother to watch her, knowing she was going to sway her hips in the slightest way, probably to amuse thee male.

Jeongguk hopped inside the vehicle waiting for him, the back closed already and the driver was seated in the front, before glancing at Jeongguk through the rear view mirror, "Where to?" The driver plainly spoke.

Jeongguk looked out of the window, knowing he doesn't need to look at the driver, "The Daegu Forest." Jeongguk said, fixing his coat jacket.

     The driver stiffens before blowing out a breath, "Heard a lot of things about that place..." The driver mutters, before driving to that location.

     The trip was about two hours, and Jeongguk doesn't do conversations, he likes it brief.

     But that intrigued Jeongguk, "How so?" Jeongguk turns away from the window and to his lap, where he was fidgeting with his pen, the only thing to keep him from keeping eye contact.

     The driver was glancing at him every now and then, "Well...I've heard they're cannibals, or worse, witches, since they were living in the middle of nowhere. I'm not much a gossip person, but that creeps me out just thinking about it." The driver shakes his head.

     Jeongguk frowns, and tilts his head, "Any other rumors?" As in, any another vague, stupid excuses to scare people with? The driver however, suddenly stared right at Jeongguk, keeping his eyes off the road.

"One more: I've heard that there was this doctor that was taking care of them: one day, he never came back." The driver stated mindlessly, and that weirdly scared Jeongguk.

Jeongguk wasn't even staring at the other to know that he would look really, really frightening, "I see," Jeongguk hummed, "well, I got a job to be their house doctor." Jeongguk informed.

Jeongguk regretted those words that slipped out of his mouth suddenly and when he lifts his gaze up, he notices the driver still looking at him, but his eyes...cold and dark, you could barely see any light portraying through them, "God bless you." The driver whispered, his lips barely moving as he spoke.

Jeongguk didn't understand something though: how in the bloody hell did they not crash yet? The driver suddenly turns away and focuses back on the road, and came the piercing silence the rest of the two hour trip. No more words were exchanged.

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