Chapter 1: The Real World

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Hello! Before you get started, I want to let you know that, this is my second book. So I highly recommend you to read the description first. So, without furthur ado, you may read now!


In Another World || B2 of Hetalia Meets Nekotalia!

Chapter 1: The Real World

America, England, the others, and their cats selves went to England's house. Screwing the meeting because of the "incident".

"So. This is where you fought him, right America?" England asked. Holding America's arm.

"Yes... This is where I fought him. And the place he ruined your potion..." America said doubting hisself. Looking sadly at the potion.

"Hey. What'd I say? Don't blame yourself just because of that stupid wanker. Okay?" England comforted America. Making America to look down at him. And placing his hands on his cheeks. America then nodded.

The two were looking at each other for a long time. "Umm. So the potion looked quite normal..." Romania said. Breaking the long silence.

The two looked at Romania. Surprised, and a little embarrassed.

"Oh um, y-you're r-right..." England stuttered. Looking brightly pink. Amd putting his hands from America's cheeks down.

"So, does that mean Oliver didn't put the potion~?" Italy asked.

"Nein jou idiot! He still put the potion in!" Germany angrily replied to Italy.

England then sighed. "Okay. Romania did you write the ingridients on how to make the potion?" England asked.

"Uhh, wait a minute..." Romania checked. But he found no notes. "Uh, we have a problem guys... I kinda forgot to take down notes..." Romania said. Nervously smiling.

"You what?!" England angrily shouted. America tried to calm him down, but England kept on shouting at Romania.

Romano on the other hand, was really curious on what will happen if he used the ruined magic potion. So Romano grabbed the potion, and dropped a tiny liquid from it.

"Hey Roma, what are you- ROMANO! NO!" Spain shouted. Causing the others to look at them. The liquid quickly turned into a portal, and sucked all of the countries, and the cats, in.

Everyone screamed. Except for, England, Norway, and Romania, and their cat selves. Because, they are usually okay with this.

After they got sucked in, they fell down. Leaving of course, the wizards to stand up on their feet perfectly.

Italy rubbed his head. "Oww... Where are we~?"

"It looks like, we are in the real world..." England replied.

"R-real w-world?! W-what do you m-mean?!" America asked. Stuttering a lot.

"Oh. You don't know about this bloody, disasterous, world, am I right?" England asked.

"W-why do y-you t-think I'm a-asking?!" America stuttered. He looked really scared.

England chuckled softly. "Don't worry my dear America." England kissed the cheek of America.

"The real world is a place where real people are. We are just characters from an anime. The example of real people that I'm talking about, are also the people who created us." England explained.

"W-wait. S-so you m-mean, WE ARE NOT REAL?!" America asked scaredly.

"Yes." "But my love is real." England whispered. Making America blush rapidly.

"Now let's go on." England continued.

"Hey, amigo! You all right over there? England is going already!" Spain asked.

No answer.


No answer.


Still no answer.

"Well then, I'll just take your little boyfriend then..." Spain said. Turning around, and started to walk, while grinning.

"Hey! Don't take England from me!" America snapped. Shouting at Spain.

"Whoa. Chill amigo. I will never take your novio. You know I already like Romano." Spain said. Turning around and putting his hands to his pocket, while talking to America.

"Now let's go. The others are going." Spain said. Turning around again, and walked to them. "H-hey! Wait for me!" America said in panick.

"So what country is this?" Japan asked England.

"I actually don't quite know... This place doesn't really look familiar to me..." England replied back.

"Wait. This is trying to rook (look) famiriar (familiar)..." Japan said. Running a little far away from England. Then stopped.

"Ah! Hai! That's why it rooks (looks) very famiriar (familiar)! This is Mount Fuji! From Tokaido Shinkansen, Japan." Japan said.

"So we're in Japan?" England asked.

"Specificarry (specifically), yes." Japan replied back.

"Ok. Wait, what is that? Is that a bloody house?" England asked. Squinching his eyes.

"I think so too." Japan replied.

"Ok. HEY WANKERS! COME HERE NOW! WE SEE A HOUSE NEARBY!" England shouted to the others.

They ran to England.

"Ve~ What is it did you guys find~?" Italy asked.

Arthur looked up at Italy.

"Well my dear Italy, we found a mysterious-looking, almost abandoned building, that maybe is a house, so we can go in there, and take care of ourselves, to solve this bloody predicament." Arthur replied.

"Yes Arthur, thank you for explaining it well for me." England said. Smiling at Arthur. "Now everyone, let's go inside this bloody weird house. So we can protect ourselves, you know?" England said.

The other countries, and cats nodded. Then they walked up to the mysterious looking buliding, and England see if he can open the door.

Apperently, England was in relief, that the door wasn't locked. When England opened the door, his jaw dropped.

"Hey Iggy, what's the matter-" and then America came next. The others also went in, and their jaw dropped.


Welcome to book two! I am very sorry if this doesn't make sense...

I am still doing, or making these chapters at night. And I'm very sleepy...

I hope you can forgive me... Ť^Ť

And I in the next chapter, I will add my friend's (fake) name, so he would be included.

Anyways, there is only one word that I would be translating. So, here it is -w-

Hon'yaku/翻訳/ s ! (The translation/s!)

• Novio (Spanish)


Okay! That's all for today! Have a nice day!

And thank you by the way for reading this disasterous chapter!

Ha det!! ♡♡♡

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