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,, Bitch, wake Up! Guess what?" I heard my friend aka Aria scream through FaceTime in the morning. ,,Aria, could you just be quiet? I'm dreaming about young Leonardo DiCabrio" ,, Leila, it's about the College you're going to go to. They also accepted me. Forget Leo. There are better Guys in L.A, where you also have a chance to meet them" ,,No Way... So you mean our dream will come true?" I shouted immediately. And this is the way, how our jorney started. We enjoyed the rest of the time with our families, moved to L.A and prepared for college. I know, it sounds like a dream or maybe just like a Disney Channel series, but I promise that it will be better than that. Let's start.

the day had finally arrived.  Our first day of college, how long we just waited for it, but here's a little spoiler.  It will not work as it does in our dreams and ideas. Los Angeles had that different air that had changed us within two weeks.  Sure, we were still two crazy dwarfs, but we just had more motivation and were suddenly more confident.  I and Aria certainly like it too. I grabbed my lipstick and covered my lips with it.  I was ready for the first day of school.  Everything was perfect, but somehow something was missing.  What was it?  My hair clips?  No.  My water bottle?  No.  Deo?  Neither.  Aria's lunch?  No.  Wait?  What?  Aria!  I immediately ran to her room and stormed in.  I don't know how she always does it, but she sleeps like a stone.  Nothing can wake her up.

Aria wake up, we only have half an hour left to get ready .Today is the first day of school, i thought you wanna curl your hair?  what happened now? "She turned to the side and muttered something.  I walked out of the room knowing that nothing could wake her up.  But I thought of something.  ,, Aria?  Omg our hot neighbor is standing shirtless in front of his window "I screamed.  "Where?" I heard her screaming  in her morning voice.  Mission completed.

After Aria got ready and looked like a whole snack, we left the house and drove to college.  On the way we talked about how excited we were and what we expect.  Other plans and wishes. "Imagine there are handsome boys at school," I said.  ,, Yes, imagine, there will be no such thing.  Handsome boys, near us?  Never existed and never will, darling, "she said.  ,, Why do you have to be so pessimistic?  I pray to god that you will have a crush on someone" ,,Shut up, I don't want something like that, I have to concentrate on my schoolwork, can't fall in love, Leila" she told me.

We finally arrived at the collge and were looking for a suitable parking space.  we drove past the entire parked car for ten minutes.  ,, I'm going to freak out, why are there no free parking spaces here?  " I said.  "There's one over there," said Aria, and I drove there. I tried to park, but another car prevented me from doing so.  He rolled down the window, "Girl, make room, that's my parking lot," he said.  Aria and I looked at each other and laughed.  What does he think who he is?  ,, Are you sure it's yours?  somehow there is no name or something, "said Aria.  The boy started to laugh provocatively.  ,, Do you actually know who I am?  When I say it belongs to me then it belongs to me "" Then I'm sorry, but this time it belongs to us "I said and parked.  "Asshole," Aria said only.

We got out of the car and went into college.  It was huge.  Everywhere people in our age were waiting. Suddenly some girl cane to us ,, Welcome to UCLA, I am Sabrine, a above you and I will pass you on.  What's your name? "She asked us.  "Aria Brown" "Leila Stonefield" we replied.  ,, hmm okay, Leila, since you chose French please go to table 15 and Aria please go to table 8. You have to wait there for someone who will show you the school and answer your questions.  Have fun girls ".Then  we separated and went to the mentioned tables .  At table 15 there was a girl and a boy talking or something like that .  "Hi, I'm Leila, I was assigned to this table." I said and the girl, who just seemed so nice, looked at me arrogantly and just nodded.  "I'm Cady ," she said only.  "Hi, I'm Max," the boy smiled at me.  "Nice to meet you" I said out of courtesy and waited for the tour to start.

Aria's P.O.V

I went to the named table and stood next to the others and smiled at everyone.  I immediately picked up my cell phone and scrolled through Instagram and looked at the latest memes.  "Sorry guys, there was one problem with the parking lots, I'm Kio and I'm going to show you the college today" I heard a male and somehow familiar voice.  I looked up and couldn't believe it really was him.  He looked at us all with a smile, but he stopped at me and his smile slowly disappeared.  "You again?" He asked then.  "I'm not particularly happy to see you too , Kio" I said only.  ,, You know each other ?  "Asked some girl.  "No" "Yes," said Kio.  "So we saw each other earlier and had a little argument," he explained and everyone just looked at me stupidly.  Did the whole school have to know about this  now?  ,, So, then let's start. As you can see, this is the cafeteria, where you can get your fresh meals and......


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2020 ⏰

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