chapter 6; reverse

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Jisung shook the sleeping body next to him until Minho's feline eyes shot open. Minho turned onto his side to face his frantic boyfriend, noting the shaking of his hands and his wide eyes.

"Jisung, what the hell?" He groaned groggily.

Jisung rocked Minho until the man was fully conscious. "What did you do, Minho? Tell me now. Why did it switch?" Jisung demanded an answer, practically forcing Minho into a seated position. Minho rubbed the sleep from his eyes and flicked on the lamp to reveal a bewildered Jisung.

"Switch? Jisung, I don't-" The recognition flooded Minho's hazy senses and he visibly startled. He glanced incredulously between their hands. "Oh my god, it worked."

Jisung shook his head in confusion. "What worked? I don't understand, Minho, please," He pleaded with his silent boyfriend, desperation leaking from his lips.

Minho took Jisung's hand and smiled. "Don't you get it? You get to live now, Sungie."

Jisung's head continued its rapid refusal, and he covered his ears to muffle Minho's words. His legs pressed uncomfortably against his aching chest due to his protective stance, but he welcomed the pain. Minho's hands tried to infiltrate his emotional shield, one succeeding and slipping into Jisung's soft hair.

"Babe? Why aren't you happy?" Minho asked cautiously. Jisung slapped his hand away with a scowl. Minho's love for him balked his acceptance.

"This wasn't how it was supposed to go!" he screamed, voice piercing the tranquil silence of the night. Minho winced at his outburst but was quick to reach over and pull Jisung's fuming body into his.

"I wasn't supposed to ever miss you." Jisung hiccuped, deflating in his lover's arm.

"Oh, Sungie." Minho brushed his fingers soothingly through Jisung's hair. The touch nearly put his frustrations at ease, until Minho added onto his statement. "I'm just leaving a little sooner. It'll be okay."

"A little sooner?" Jisung jeered. "Minho, I want to marry you one day. I want to adopt a stupid little cat and live in a house near our jobs. I want you to come home and love me. 'A little sooner' ruins everything."

Minho had no adequate response to appease his distraught boyfriend, and he figured he never would find the right words to dispel the harshness of the situation. So he relied on the warmth of his body to blanket Jisung and his fears, and eventually, the teenager ceased his cries.

Jisung wiped the runny snot from his red-tinted nose and sniffled.

"What do I do now?" He asked. "Do I just wait for you to die?" He glanced up at Minho, the older already staring at him with a concerned fondness.

"Why wait for me to die when we can live? Sungie, let's go crazy. Let's do whatever the fuck we want whenever the fuck we want." Minho gently pushed Jisung off of his heaving chest and stood up.

"What do you mean?" Jisung sat on the edge of the bed and watched Minho's frantic movements. "What type of crazy?" Jisung knew Minho had a faulty track record because of his definition of crazy in high school, and silently feared Minho's spontaneous idea.

The man smirked and jogged to their shared closet. Jisung followed Minho's body with hooded eyes, expecting the same present he received for his eighteenth birthday. But Minho didn't return with the familiar bottle and shiny silver packet, instead, his hands appeared empty.

Jisung rolled his burning eyes playfully and flopped back onto the bed, face trained towards the peeling paint on their ceiling. "Wow, how crazy," he remarked with sarcasm. "Look, Minho, I have school tomorrow, so if we're not gonna-" Jisung sat up on his elbows, and his tongue tied at the sight of Minho kneeling in front of him with a matte box in his hands.

Minho flipped the lid of the small box gently and shrugged his shoulders. "Eh, I guess I could wait. I see you'd much rather get some sleep." Despite his nonchalance, Jisung could recognize his joking tone and pulled Minho back by his loose shirt.

"Get your ass back here, Lee Minho," Jisung scolded, pushing Minho back onto his knees. The compromising position almost made Minho forget his original intentions, eyes roaming Jisung's beautiful body, but the weight in his hands interrupted his fantasies.

"Hi, baby." Minho greeted with a childish grin.

"Hi, Minho."

"Can I ask you a question?" Minho placed his hand on Jisung's upper thigh and held the box closer to Jisung's watery eyes.

"Minho, if you do not propose to me within the next thirty seconds, I will let Felix come over and eat you," Jisung threatened him, wiggling his dead phone for added theatrics. Minho licked his lips dramatically.

"Was that supposed to be a threat, because redheads are pretty cute."

Jisung huffed and turned his back to Minho, successfully destroying Minho's playful attitude. The brunette kissed Jisung's neck and placed the shining ring onto his crossed legs. He nosed softly along the underside of Jisung's jaw until he reached his pierced ears, nipping at the skin.

"Marry me?" He whispered. Jisung shuddered from the feeling of Minho's minty breath fanning across his cheek, and nodded. The happiness spilled from his eyes gracefully as Minho removed the (clearly) expensive ring from its confinements and slipped it onto Jisung's finger. It was gorgeous sitting in the box, Minho thought, but seeing it on Jisung made it ethereal.

"Minho, how long have you had this?" Jisung examined the sparkly gem under the lamplight in awe.

Minho hummed in thought while he situated himself behind Jisung, one hand resting dangerously close to his thigh. "Almost four months, maybe?"

"When were you planning on asking me?" Jisung couldn't contain his curiosity, knowing the timing had to have been premature.

"At your graduation."

Jisung exhaled deeply. That meant Minho's reassurances had truly been his beliefs; he believed Jisung would receive a green dot and live years past his graduation. The realization, paired with his constant mood swings, became almost overwhelming.

"This worked out, though. Now you can go to school tomorrow and brag about your amazing fiancee." Minho flipped his imaginary hair over his shoulder and smiled proudly.

"I love you more than anything," Jisung admitted. "And I can never repay you for everything you've done for me. I can't even begin to scratch the surface, but I can offer you one thing that no one else has."

Jisung leaned in and kissed Minho's parted lips eagerly.

"Fuck me, Minho."

Minho didn't hesitate to flip their positions, trapping Jisung with his legs.

"For the record," he panted between heated kisses, "you don't have to pay me back."

Minho pulled off his shirt and groaned at the sensation of Jisung's hands on his bare torso.

"But I'll be damned if I let this opportunity pass."

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