What To Do

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I look my mom in the eyes and say, "I don't want to go to that cheerleading program at the University of Louisville. I want to go to New York."

"Go to college, Santana. Do what I never got the chance to do. New York will still be there after you've earned your college degree," my mom points out before asking, "Brittany, I understand you got into Purdue University?"

"Not the university; the poultry farm. Plucker is a steady profession... but I can't go to either 'cause I'm not graduating."

"What?" I look at Brittany, surprised. I knew she wasn't doing too well in school this year, but she's smart; she should have easily passed.

"Yeah. I was kind of glad when I found out that I was flunking because it'll give me a chance to do my senior year all over again... and way better. I'll show up to my classes this time. Plus, I'll get to be a two-term senior class president," Brittany says.

"Why are you pretending that this is okay? And why didn't you tell me?" I'm not really upset, just mostly sad. The future doesn't make any sense to me anymore.

"What did you think was going to happen to me? I have a 0.0 grade point average."

"Well, maybe if Brittany's staying in Lima, then I should stay, too," I say.


After we finish eating, we part ways and go home. I hope my mom knows that I really am considering staying back. I don't want to leave Brittany; without me, what would happen to her?

I have never been so conflicted before, not even when I was coming out. If I don't go to college, I'll let my mom down, and although I don't want to go, getting away could be good. On the other hand, staying here with Brittany and waiting a year might be a better option. I'm really not sure what to do.

I get ready for bed and lay down, unable to sleep. After a while, I look at my phone and see that it's only 11, so I call Brittany.

"Santana... why are you still awake?"

"I could ask you the same thing... I couldn't sleep." I sit up in my bed.

"Does this have anything to do with me not graduating?" she asks, her voice concerned.

"I guess I'm just having a hard time figuring out what to do with my life."

"Do you want me to come over?"

I smile. "If you want to."

"Of course; I'll be there right away."

I hang up and wait for Brittany to come. Whenever I'm upset about anything, she makes everything make sense again. I feel like she knows me better than anyone, even better than my mom a lot of the time.

Sneaking into each other's houses at night has become quite common, especially now that we can both drive and go to bed later than our parents anyway. Plus, it's good to have someone to talk to when you feel the loneliest: in the middle of the night.

My bedroom door creaks as it opens, and Brittany steps into my room.

I stand up and walk over to her, hugging her before we walk back to my bed and sit down. "I'm so glad you came."

"I know, but Santana, you need to go to college."

"Well, I wouldn't have to. Plenty of people get good jobs without going to college." I lean against my pillow and Brittany does the same. I rest my head against her shoulder.

"Maybe... I don't know. I love you, Santana, I do; I just don't want you to stay back because of me."

"It wouldn't just be because of you, but I don't want you to be lonely," I say

"You can still come visit, even if you're in college. Besides, it's not like we would cheat on each other."

"I would never cheat on you, but I don't want to deny you a relationship that's always there for you. Like, we couldn't do this if I went to Louisville."

"Just think about it. You deserve so much more than Lima."

"You know what? I still have some time to think about it, so let's talk about something else," I say.

"Like unicorns?"

"Whatever you want," I reply, smiling.

Spending time with Brittany like this is how I want my life to be. I wish we could just stay like this forever--alone and just existing around each other. If I went I would miss Brittany way too much.


This is how I would have liked this storyline to go; even though I think their breakup was good for their relationship, I would have preferred for it not to happen.

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