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       Whispers were spread throughout my hometown high school as I entered the senior parking lot in my new Harley-Division Iron 883TM. I park in the first spot available, taking off my helmet putting on a smirk as students at Valley Creek High thought I was a "new girl" or "new chick"-idiots. Now you'd think they would remember me seeing as we all knew each other our whole lives-I'm hurt, note the sarcasm. 

Throwing on my signature black studded leather jacket I walk down the halls of my beloved school with whispers spreading like a cat on fire. Girls glared while the boys stared at me without a care in the world.

"Who's the new chick? She's smokin'."  The stereotypical dumb jock James said.

Well James it's lovely to see you remember me!

"I bet she's just trying to get attention! I mean like look at her slutly clothes!" Jessa, Cherry's #1 minion screeched.

Slutty? I'm not the one wearing a baby's shirt and belt!

I bet there were more comments but they weren't heard as I putted my headphones on.

As I entered the office to get my schedule, seeing as I just got back from California...everyone in the office fell silent.

"I need my schedule. Samantha Boxten, grade 12." I spoke to the petrified secretary.

"S-Sam?" I turned to see my favourite music teacher Ms. Carson stutters.

I smiled at her knowing she was one of the reasons I got through 3 years of this horrible school and said, "Yes?"

"Oh My Gosh! It really is you! Look at you, you're more beautiful! Summer did you good"


"How are y-" the first bell rings interrupting her.

"Hey we'll catch up later, k?" I say as I receive my schedule from the still terrified secretary.

With that I exited the office looking at my time table;

Semester 1

Period 1 - Music

Teacher - Ms. Carson

8:15 - 9:15

Period 2 - Creative Writing

Teacher - Ms. O'Niel

9:20 - 10:20

Period 3 - Physical Education

Teacher - Mr. Mackson

10:25 - 11:25

Lunch - 11:25 - 12:35

Period 2 - Physiology

Teacher - Mr. Picket

12:40 - 1:40

Study Hall - 1:40 - 2:50

Walking down the empty halls of V.C. High I head to the art department where I head to my favourite class, music.

I stand outside the door as I hear all the instruments from the hall, and think "It's now or never" as I hold the door handle.

The Summer Before (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now