🌺Second Bite🌺

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"Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind,

Be led by the dreams in your heart." 

— Roy T. Bennette


"Taka!! Where's Rei's classroom?!" Nancy asked as she was running at full speed with Takashi. "She's two classrooms down from here. Hurry!" Takashi yelled. They kept on running as fast as they could until they finally reached their destination. Takashi slams the door open, causing everyone in the class to look at the two teens. "Komuro, you couldn't be happy with just skipping my class?" the teacher scolds, but Takashi didn't listen. "Nancy?!" a girl called out once she saw the black-haired girl. The girl had brown hair and brown eyes. Some strands of her hair were tied in a ponytail by a green ribbon. She was also wearing the school's uniform "Rei!" Nancy called as she went around Takashi and gave her childhood friend a big hug. Yet something was getting in the way of their hug. Nancy looked down to see nothing but Rei's bosom getting in the way. Nancy didn't know why? However, she couldn't help feeling a hint of resentment to how much Rei had more of a womanly figure than she did. Nancy wasn't proud of it, but she was very flat for a girl her age. 'God...why do you do this to me! Aren't I, a good person?' Nancy screamed in her mind as her shoulders drooped down in disappointment.

Nancy shook her head at the thought and remembered the task at hand. "Rei we have to get out of here now!" Nancy said with urgency as she took her wrist and tried to drag the girl, but failed miserably. Instead, Rei was able to lift Nancy in her chibi form "What? Nancy, what are you talking about?" Rei asked before she put the black-haired girl down again. "It doesn't matter, We've got to go now!" Takashi stated as he yanked both of the girls' wrists. Rei confused expression switched to a look of anger while Nancy winced at the amount of force Takashi used.

Another male student got up from his seat to confront Takashi, the boy was very handsome for his age and had grey hair and hazel eyes to compliment his looks. He wore a traditional black boy's uniform with white school shoes the same clothes as Takashi wears. This boy was Hisashi Igō, Takashi's best friend from when they were in middle school and Rei's current boyfriend. "What are you doing?" Hisashi asked Takashi with a serious tone. "People just got killed by the front gate," Nancy answered while she was freeing her hand from Takashi's grip.

"No, Bullshit," Takashi added with the same tone. That sentence alone made Hisashi eyes widen. "Are you serious?" Hisashi asked in confusion. "Yeah, like she's making shit like that up!" Takashi said with a glare. "Hisashi, I know how crazy it must sound, but trust me people are dying outside! And if we don't get out of here right now, WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" Nancy yelled making the whole room completely silent.


After that whole scene in the classroom was resolved; Nancy, Rei, Takashi, and Hisashi were now walking through the halls. "Just tell me whats going on?" Rei pleaded to the group. "There was a trespasser at the front gate. So a couple of PE teachers went to investigate but, there was an incident. And now they're killing each other!" Nancy explained as they passed through the classes. "That's insane!" Rei exclaimed, no one could blame her. Nancy was still having a hard time believing in what she saw. But, seeing is believing all that matters is getting her friends out of the school, head to her aunts to gear up, and hopefully reach a safe place to lay low. Hisashi suddenly stopped by a janitor's locker. "What you forgot something?" Takashi asked while Hisashi broke through the locker and twisted the brooms handle until it snapped making the end of the handle into a makeshift spear. "If what Nancy is saying is true then we'll need some weapons, right? Here Rei." Hisashi said as he handed the brunette the makeshift spear while Takashi grabbed a baseball bat. "What about you and Nancy?" Takashi asked worried about how the other two didn't have anything to protect themselves with. "I got a black belt in Karate," Hisashi replied. "Nancy?" Takashi asked the short-statured girl. Nancy only smirked at the boy's confused face "Don't worry Taka, let's just say I got a few tricks up my sleeve." Nancy said before Rei remembered something. "Let's call the police we'll talk to my father," Rei said as Takashi took a cellphone out of his pocket. "School rules are there to be broken, right?" Takashi jest as he handed the phone to Rei. Nancy just giggled making the teen look at her in confusion. "You never changed Taka, always being the classic bad boy of the school," Nancy said with a smile that caused the teen to blush in embarrassment. "What are you talking about?" Takashi asked as he turned his head away refusing to let Nancy see the blush on his cheeks. "Oh come on remember, when we were in middle school, you used to get into fights with the bullies. You were suspended over a week." Nancy said with a giggle. "If I recall, you were the one who helped fight those brats too," Takashi said with a smirk that made Nancy blush red like a tomato.

Nancy was about to make a comeback but she stopped when she saw the look on Rei's face. "Rei...what's wrong?" Nancy asked but the girl didn't answer as she just listens to what was on the other end of the dial tone.


"110 is busy...that's impossible," Rei muttered in fear. Nancy's eyes widen at the news. How could 110 be busy? Unless...

Suddenly the speakers turned on making the small turn attention towards it.

[This announcement is for all the students. An emergency situation is taking place inside the school right now.]

Everyone who was listening to the sudden announcement was confused. Most of them thought it was just another drill that the staff put together.

[All students must follow your teacher's instructions and evacuate the school right now.]

"So they finally realized it," Takashi said just before they heard a loud screech coming from the speaker. "It's here..." Nancy whispered in alarm.

There was a brief time of silence that no one dared to interrupt. Until...

[ARGH! Get away from me! Get back!]

Nancy felt hands trembling as her palms started to sweat. So was this the fear of the delaying horror they will face. Like an upcoming typhoon ready to wash away an entire city. There was no escaping of what's to come next.


The speakers went into a dreadful silence. Everyone knew full well what happened to the man on the microphone. Then at the drop of a chalk piece, panic erupted as frighten students and teachers try to make their way out of the school building. Hitting and kicking anyone out of the way even if it meant killing them in the process.

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