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After Chan sat down he didn't even want to know how a boy can get pregnant or want to think about to be going to delivered🤡🤦‍♂️.

Taehyung pov

Shit it's bout time for me to go. " alright bye jungkook , Chan and beak I gotta go to work imma pick Yhu up later okay kook." And I heard jungkook say " okay byee" he a little bit to happy for me to leave I feel played 😭🤦‍♂️. Anyways as soon as I got in the car I called  Jimin and jin and rm and hobi and suga in the Ft group chat so I can talk to them at the same time. They all answered expect for suga but I'm not tripping he stay close and he neve answer calls🤦‍♂️. I told them " come to my house so we can get ready and we can discuss everything there" they all said okay and I hung up.    

Third pov

Jungkook was sitting in there couch it was kinda awkward. Then Chan said " alright I'm bout to head to the gym . Y'all can talk and have fun. After that Chan left and it only had beakhyung and jungkook in the house. Suddenly beakhyung asked do jungkook know " mo dao zu shi" jungkook lowkey screams and said " yes omg that my show" loud and when his voice echoed jungkook looked down and said " sorry" beakhyung said " no it's alright. But don't yhu think lighting boi do a little bit to much"

*Cloud boi/ blue -lan
Red- wei
Lighting /purple- Jiang*
" agree like let the boi mo rest well wei but like wei in mo body so let them rest" jungkook said
Beakhyung then said " yeah but at the same time I see how he feel cuz like his parents died. I was bawling my eyes out I tell yhu" " agree and disagree I felt like he could have handled that situation better cuz red lost his mother and father and was  Abuse by purple mother and had been hated on and still somehow positive. And not like purple." Jungkook said which is straight facts. After that they watched season 2 together as the told each other they didn't watch season 2 yet.

Taehyung pov

I got home and they was there ig they told suga we he called back cuz suga the only one that got my key and he here so... that's a case close. I talked to them about the food, and the gifts  and the set up . Jimin went and bought the paper plates ,  balloons, table covers etc. suga went with king to get the food 🥘. And namjoon helped taheyung clean the house up to get ready . Hobi had to stay and watched the kids ofc 🥺‼️.


Thanks for 3k and for the people that reading my story 💕💕💕💕👑👑


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