Chapter 4

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A week has passed now as Chaeyoung and Mina started 'dating'. As part of fulfilling his contract and his 'obligation' with the girl, Chaeyoung always find a way to date her after school and weekends. Thanks to his reliable creativity slash his disguises, he can properly show off--what he meant is-- share his dating skills and knowledge to this poor inexperienced creepy looking girl without compromising both of their concerns if ever someone learned about them dating. 'You are such a genius, Son Chaeyoung!'

The 'couple' were sitting on a bench underneath a tree on a park this day. And every people passing them right now can't help themselves but to take a glance at their direction as Chaeyoung's bright mint hair seems to be seeking for their attention. He is in his emo get up for today, wearing all black outfit, thick lines of eyeliner around his eyes, fake piercing on his nose and lips, plus his earphone that he's wearing right now, he can now totally join the black parade.

"Hey, Minari..." Chaeyoung suddenly called her attention with his new given nickname to her.

As Mina shifted her attention to him the guy quickly leaned his body to her side while holding his phone taking quick shots of them. "What are you doing?"

Chaeyoung flipped the fake long bangs that was purposely blocking his right eye for his getup. "Look at this." He said while showing amusement on his face as he scanned the photos he just took on his phone. "This is so damn cool! We really look like a perfect couple today!" He stated. They really look like a dark couple who just went to visit the Adams family on their vacation.

He took a glance at her just to see her seemingly bothered and confuse looking eyes.

"Yah, don't worry, it'll just stay on my phone for my entertainment. I won't dare to post these." Chaeyoung said while he was busy on his phone.

Mina was about to say something when she suddenly felt her phone vibrated. She looks at it and sees an email from Chaeyoung.

Curious, she took a glance at him biting his lower lip seemingly anticipating for her to finally open what he sent. She sighed not knowing what kind of things awaits her before she finally decided to open the email. Mina pressed her lips together staring at the email. There it shows three images he just took earlier with her. She scrolled up to see that the rest was all just his proud selfies.

"I never posted those photos online," Chaeyoung stated while wiggling his eyebrows. "Keep it. I give it to you as a souvenir."

Mina looked at him with her usual straight face that she wears. "Why would I want to keep your photos?"

Chaeyoung snorted and crossed his arms hearing her sudden rude question. "You're going to keep it so you can look at it if ever you miss me after this contract."

She tilted her head thinking about what he just said, then she looks back to her phone. "I will miss you?"

"Well, of course, you will!" Chaeyoung covered his mouth with his one hand and again snorted in disbelief. 'Hah! Her nerves to doubt that! Fine! Don't she dare look for me saying she's missing me after this contract!'

"Really?" She looked at him questioning.

He rolled his eyes and sighed in frustration. "We're a couple remember? At least you should act like you will. That's what a couple would feel whenever their lover is away from them, they will surely miss them." He tried to explain.

Mina just nodded and stares at her feet analyzing what he just said.

'Aish! This girl is making me crazy!' Chaeyoung blows out another sigh and glance at the girl beside him. "You know what, I'm getting hungry."

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