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It has been a few days since Theo moved into my Packhouse and I was working right now and Theo was on the couch that was in my office watching video on my Ipad.

Just then my office door opens and I saw that it was my Gemma and Mia and her brother looked mad.

Just then my office door opens and I saw that it was my Gemma and Mia and her brother looked mad

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Let me tell you about them

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Let me tell you about them. Their parents are not the same. Their dad is black and my dad's Gemma and their mom is white.

Mia may not look it, but she has some black on her body. But like in the front around her stomach and some on her legs.

I know what your thinking. How do I know that? Well, to answer your question we grew up together and we would swim a lot during the summer and that's how I know about her black spots on her body.

"What can I do for you Jay?"

His real name is Jamarius, but since it's hard to say it we just call him Jay for short.

"I want to know why you are being so rude to my sister," Jay says.

"Because she thinks that I'm her mate and I'm not" I point "he's my mate"

"He is your mate?" Jay asks.

"Yes and your Luna"

He then looks at Theo and bows his head "welcome to the Pack Luna" Jay says.

Theo chuckles "thank you"

"He's not the Luna, I am," Mia says "brother he can't be the Luna"

"And why not?" Jay asks.

"Because he's not a werewolf like us," Mia says "he's a fox shifter"

"Yeah ok and," Jay says.

"Only werewolves can be Lunas," Mia says.

"Now Mia, you know that we don't get to choose our mates" he points up "the Moon Goddess does and if he is Hunter's mate then that makes him the Alpha or Luna whatever role he wants to be," Jay says.

"I know that, but that fox is not Hunter's mate, he's mine," Mia says.

I then stand up "ENOUGH," I said in my Alpha tone.

"Yes Alpha," they both said while Theo just sat there not affected by my tone.

"Jay, Mia is not my mate" I point to her "her mate is an Omega named Noah and she knows it, but she doesn't care and every time I see Noah hurt and she needs to be with him before something worse happens to him and I will not lose anybody of my Pack and if I do she will get punished and I've told her this as well. If she doesn't stop I will derank her to Omega" he gasps and looks at her.

"Is this true?" Jay asks.

"Well yes he did say that, but I know that he doesn't mean it" Mia says.

"O for the love of Pete" we look and we see that it's Theo "when will you get it through your head girl, he's not your mate, he's mine and watch this" he then walks to me and smashes his lips on me and at first I was surprised. But I then kiss him back and we break apart "is that prove enough," Theo says.

"Get away from my mate," Mia says as she walks to Theo.

"You touch him and you will be punished"

Just then I saw Noah walk in and he was mad and he walks to her and slaps her and we gasp.

Just then I saw Noah walk in and he was mad and he walks to her and slaps her and we gasp

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"What was that for Omega?" Mia asks while rubbing her cheek.

"I'm tired of this" Noah says "I am your mate and I'm tired of you acting like I'm not and so" he takes a deep breath "I Noah Smith reject you as my mate" we gasp and so does she "we are no longer mates" he then looks at me "may I ask you something Alpha?"

"Sure Noah"

"I want to leave," Noah says.


"Well from all those Pack meetings you've been having here I found my second chance mate and I want to go live with him and his Pack" she gasps and grabs him by the shirt.

"You can't just leave", Mia says "I forbid it"

"Is this what you want?" Theo asks.

"Yes and my second chance mate said he would wait for me and I want a mate that makes me happy" he looks at her "I've already rejected you and I'm already happy" he then pushes her off him "so will you please let me go"

"I say let him go" we look at Theo "if this makes him happy, let him go" Theo says.

"Very well Theo" I then look at Noah "you are free to go and you are always welcomed here"

"Thank you Alpha" we shake hands "and thank you Luna" they shake hands.

After that, he left and we see Mia fall to the floor and then looks at us and gets mad and stands up.

"This is all your fault" she then attacks Theo to the ground.

"Mia stop," Jay says.

"That's it," Theo says and we see him kick her off him and then we saw him do a body slam and held her down "I guess you forgot what I told you, I still have Alpha blood in me and I will always beat you"

I then summand some of my warriors and when they got here they took her away to the dungeon.

"I'm sorry Jay, but she has to be in the dungeon for a while"

"I understand," Jay says.

After that, we left the office and went to do our own thing.



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