Me and Him

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I sit in history 101 listening to my teacher lecture on the Second World War and how the concentration camps were one of the worst thing to happen in history. He talked about the Nazis not only taking Jews, but people of color, disabled people and gays.

This is not the first time I have heard of this, but whenever I hear they used to kill you in such a horrific way because you were gay; it touches me. I'm gay, I have a boyfriend and I really don't care who knows.

Honestly, I didn't even come out. I was honest. I used to be so terrified that if anyone knew I was gay they would hate me or worse, try and hurt me. I just stayed quite never really had an opinion on anything, just quite. Until Jason.

Jason was 2 years older than me and was going to graduate soon. I fell head over heels and thought I was going to die if I didn't have him.

The last day of final exams I got to talk to him.

We exchanged small talk, but I couldn't stop myself from blushing (I thought I was going to die or he was going to kill me). He noticed and pulled my chin up to look at him. I was ready for a punch but got a kiss. He said he might never get to do that again so why not his last day of school.

My phone buzzes bringing me out of my daydream. It's him, for safety reasons I'm going to call him AJ. We go to the same university and recently live together.

AJ text me that he I'll be home soon and that he will probably be there before me.

I have 30 minutes more of this class so I think he is correct.

I miss him. We've had such a hectic week that whenever I'm home, he's not.

I miss the way he smells, the way he jump attacks me on the couch, and most of all watching him cook. He loves to cook so he always does this happy dance when he get the chance.

Finally we get to see each other and even spend the weekend.

My class is over and I rush out of the class room like it is on fire. As I walk home I start to think about my day dream from before.

Honestly after kissing Jason and hearing him say what he said, I promised myself I would never have to say that. If I loved someone I would love them period.

So I never really came out I would just talk about the boys I thought were cute and if anyone asked I would answer. No hesitation, just honest.

I swing the door open and do a famous "HONEY, I'M HOME!!!" I'm met by a running tackle and a really hard hug.

I can smell his cooking already and I'm starving. "Dinner will be done any minute now, so tell that sexy stomach to be quite" hey says luring me to the kitchen.

I put my school bag in the closet and take off my shoes. My navy blue jacket gets put on the coat rack and I walk to where that beautiful smell is coming from.

I walk into him dancing, so I join. I feel his body hold me tight and I could melt into it if the world would let me. He kisses my head and I feel the heat run through my whole body.

"I love you," I whisper into his neck, where my head is buried.

He moves my hair away from my face and kisses my forehead hard.

"I love you too, and to show it I think dinner's ready." he says stirring the pot one more time.

He made chicken and pesto pasta. We eat it talking and laughing the whole time.

We retreat the Carmel couch and sink in it. He curls into me making my heart thump. It's been three years and he still makes my heart thump. "I think I'm going to slip into a food comma, but that was so good AJ." "Thank you sexy," he says kissing my chin.

Me and Him [One Shot] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now