Chapter 2: It Makes Me Wonder

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The entire time, I wasn't paying attention to my date or the game.
I was focused on Olivia and her date. She was having a good time, giggling and giving him her wonderful smile.
"Uh..." I looked back at my date, trying to think of an excuse to leave, "I just remembered that I have to study for a project that's due tomorrow." He looked at me, and titled his head.
"I'm sure you can stay out a little longer," he reached for my hand, "What harm would it do to anyways?" I quickly pulled my hand away, watching as his hand went to my lap, "Besides, I'm interested in you. I want to know more about you." He leaned a little closer.
I looked at him and scooted back, "Well how about I leave you my number. That way you can call if you want to hang out and chat." I took out a pen and paper, quickly writing and handing him my number. "It's been nice, but I have to go now. Maybe I'll see you later?" I ran before I got an answer, afraid that he'll try anything.
My phone rang all night. And I regret giving out my number. I ignored it, hoping that he'll give up soon.
"This was a bad idea... I need to talk to someone..." I was sitting on my bed, trying to think of someone that was willing to hang out with me. "Maybe James can come over..." I reached for my phone when it stopped ringing, going through my contacts.
"Hello? Claire? Is something wrong?" Hearing his voice on the other line made me smile.
"Nothing's wrong, James. Just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out at my apartment and watch some tv or something," I pushed some of my hair back, "That is if you're not doing anything important." I had a laugh and soon a knock on my door. Getting up, I laughed and shook my head.
"I'm never busy for my Claire bear."
"Should have known you would have came over. I really should give you a key to my apartment," I opened my door and ended the call, "And stop calling me that! I'm not five years old anymore."
James walked in, took off his jacket and patted my head.
"Now why would I do that?" He made his way to the living room, "Besides, you gave that nickname to yourself. 'Am I James' Claire bear?' It was so adorable." He teased me. I rolled my eyes and laughed. Soon we were watching random tv shows and laughing about our past.
"I remember when you were running around the house, shouting that you were the 'prince of toilets' and declared that no one was to walk into the bathroom without your permission." I laughed and leaned against his shoulder.
"Well it's not as bad as saying that you'll marry the tree outside your house, making you the princess of the forest." He chuckled and put his arm around me. I covered my face and shook my head. "You know what? I think being the 'prince of toilets' is pretty bad, now that I think of it." I sighed and smiled at him, then got up.
"Where are you going?" I looked at him, "Leaving me all alone on you couch, after you invited-"
"I'm going to the washroom! It's not like you needed to know." I started to turn around.
"Oh, my dear Claire bear, that's where you are wrong. Because I am the prince of toilets and I declare that you may not use the washroom."
"James! You can't go around saying that! I'm going!" I whined and quickly tried to make a break for the bathroom, but James pulled me back.
He had me in his right grip, "I'm afraid I can't do that, my dear." He was whispering in my ear, "You do not have my permission." I struggled to free myself and soon we were both on the floor, laughing.
And that's when it happened.
My chest felt like it was going to burst, it only felt like this around Olivia. But now it was happening with James. I spaced out and thoughts went through my mind.
"You know... The prince always marries the princess." His voice cut me off from my thoughts. "But I haven't been able to find my own... Then I was thinking that may-"
"I had a date today." It was a stupid thing to do, but I wasn't sure if he was gonna say what I thought he was gonna say. "Olivia set me up with her date's friend. But it didn't end good, seeing as I ran away."
"Well, maybe it wasn't meant to happen. Anyway as I was saying-"
"And it didn't help that I gave him my number. He's been calling ever me since then." I said as my phone rang.
James got up, reached for my phone and answered it.
"Hello. I'm sorry but she's busy right now. Who is this? Well, I am James, someone very close with Claire. Now I hope you stop bothering her with these calls. Good night and don't ever call back." He growled and hung up the phone. "Are you out of your mind? Why would you go on a date?!" I flinched at the sudden raise in his tone.
"I went because of Olivia. There is nothing wrong with watching over a friend." I mumbled, "Besides, you go on dates. You had girlfriends in the past. I don't see why it's a big-"
"It's a big deal because I love you!" He shouted.
Silence filled the room.
"Please say something..." He whispered and stood up. "I've had feelings for you ever since we were young. All those girls I dated was because I tried to give up on you."
"I-I don't know what to say. This isn't something you hear everyday, especially from a friend's boyfriend." I looked up, his brown eyes were filled with hope and anger. I wondered why.
"You don't have to give me a direct answer right now, just when ever you're ready. And as for Jessica, I broke up with her. She was cheating on me with my younger brother. She came out with it and I told her that my heart belongs to someone else, as cheesy as it sounds." He grabbed his jacket and left. "I won't bother you for an answer, but just to hang out as friends. Good night Claire bear." And with that he left, he left me on my living room with my mind gone and heart racing. And soon Olivia walked in.
"Claire! You won't believe what happened after you left!" She grinned and ran her finger through her hair. "Your date, Allan, left soon after you did and because you both weren't there, my date, Kevin, took me out to eat, and asked if he can walk me home." She had that dreamy look in her eyes and continued on her story.
"I really think he might be the one. My own prince." My chest started to hurt at those words. I looked at her, watching her sigh happily and going on about Kevin.
"Oh! Was that James that just left? Was he visiting you, telling you about what happened with Jessica? How unpleasant, finding out that your love was sleeping with your own flesh and blood. It makes me sick, what if that happened to you? How would you feel?"
"I don't know, the only thing I know is that my heart won't belong to that person, if they did something like that. It makes me wonder if I truly loved them at all." I got up and sighed. "I'm gonna go to bed soon. I have something to think about for a few days. Good night."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2014 ⏰

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