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Days have gone by since we've come back from our last mission

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Days have gone by since we've come back from our last mission. The party is tonight and I'm debating whether I should go or not. Steve asked me to go with him, which should be an obvious reason why I should really go, but I'm not a party person. I've YouTube'd how to dress to a formal party or how to do some type of hairstyles. I don't know how these things work. Now a days, everything is modern and for events like these, you have to dress to impress. And I don't even know how to impress myself.

I've had a girl-to-girl talk with Natasha yesterday. She has brought me a couple dresses, shoes and accessories. I don't know what to do with it. They're slumped on my bed and I'm pacing back and fourth in which dress to choose from. I don't even know if I even should go!

I avoid stuff like this. The team have invited me to bars and extreme birthday parties, Tony has even offered me to go to some club because everyone was going to be there, except Steve of course. He's not a fan of stuff like that. I've rejected all of them. I don't like going out and meeting new people is not a skill of mine. Steve is not a new person, though.

I sigh in defeat and grab the dress in front of me. A red silk dress that hugs my body nicely. It's not uncomfortable, but I can sure feel the breeze from my back which sends shivers all around. I like the laced feature from the back, even if it does feel exposed. I look at myself through the mirror and poof up my hair.

I definitely look like a mess. Within my knowledge that I took out from YouTube, I put my hair in a nice tight ballerina bun. This is going to annoy me. I don't like my hair being pulled up, but the deed is already done, and I like how it looks anyway.

I touch my face up, which isn't much. I look at myself through the vanity mirror. This doesn't feel like... me. I don't do this. I don't get dolled up, I don't wear dresses like this. I don't do my hair like this. It's all so new to me. I huff out some air and powder my face. Yeah, that should be enough. I don't want to look like a clown. I probably already look like one anyway. I don't wear makeup like this.

"Ok, whatever." I say as I drop everything from my hands and scooch away from the vanity. I've had enough at looking myself through that stupid mirror and and judging myself. I can do this, I know I can. I know my parents would believe that I can too. They're my number one supporters. I haven't gotten this prepped in 8 years. This is for them. And this is for me. I can prove to myself that I'm a changed woman. I can't keep holding onto the past, and the pst can't keep holding onto me. It's too much.

I deserve to have fun and go out. This party, it's going to be good. I'll have a couple drinks with my fellow teammates and friends and hang around with the people I now consider family. They're extraordinary people, just like me.

I slip into my heels and grab my hand purse. I pose in front of my mirror and like what I see. This should be good. I place my hand on the doorknob. I hesitate to come out, but finally find myself going for it.

I take the elevator to where the party is mainly held. I hear hype-beat music playing even before the metal doors open. Once they do, I look up and step out. I can barely hear my heel click as I walk towards throw party. As I enter, I search around for the familiar face I was going to attend this party with.

I find him playing in the pool table with his friend, Sam Wilson. I've yet to meet him, but he seems to be the first one to notice me. He taps Steve's shoulder which then catches his attention. He looks up to me and I smile. I take a couple steps forward as I watch him make his way to me.

"You look.. great." He says as he digs his hands in his pockets.

"You don't look bad yourself, Rogers." I compliment. He's wearing a nice blue button up shirt and dark dress pants. The outfit seems to compliment his physical body which I honestly find... nice to look at.

"Well, this is the first party I've gone to since forty-five." Talk about an 8 year difference. We hear a throat being cleared and we turn our heads to the direction it came from. It's Steve's friend, Sam. He smiles at us as he slides his hands into his pockets. Is that a guy thing?

"Oh! Sam, this is Kate. Kate, this is Sam." I shake Sam's hand with a smile.

"I've heard a lot about you." Sam says. We part the shake.

"All good things, I hope."

"Always." He eyes Steve which makes me question what he's heard from me and from where.. or who.

"How about we grab a drink? Sam, do you mind?" His friend gives Steve one last look and walks away. I can't help but find Sam attractive. He seems fun to be around.

Steve takes out his arm and I hook mine with his. I came to this party for Steve, so I'm gonna go with him. We walk to the bar and I sit on a stool as Steve stays standing beside me and leaning against the bar.

"Martini, please." I tell the bartender.

"I never saw you as a drinker." I hear Steve say. I turn to him.

"Well, I didn't see myself as a party person, but yet here I am." The bartender places the martini in front of me. I grab hold of the thin body of the glass and take a sip of the bitter liquid. I scrunch my face and place the drink down. Steve laughs, "What are you laughing at, Rogers?"

"You're a tough woman, but can't handle a drink." The fact that he judges me makes me glare at him. I slide the martini to him.

"Here. Be a man, Rogers." I challenge him. His eyebrows rise from his head as he looks down at the drink. My red lipstick stains a side of the glass, but I hope he doesn't mind.

"I don't drink." He says as he pushes the drink back to me.

"Neither do I." I push the drink back. He takes hold of the martini and and lifts it up. He smells it and scrunches his nose. He takes a sip of it and hold it in his mouth. He makes a disgusted face as he places the drink down. He holds the liquid in his mouth as he's trying to look somewhere to spit it out, but there's nowhere. He forces himself to swallow the drink and gags.

"That's disgusting." He says as he pushes the drink to me. I chuckle and grab the glass. I hear Steve cough into his arm. He clears down his throat and I raise the glass to my mouth. I quickly pour the drink into my system and swallow. I feel like throwing it up. It's so bitter and terrible. Who ever invented this? Steve starts laughing now as I gag from the terrible taste that hit my tongue.

"Wow, impressive." He says. The bitter taste dies down, though I can still feel it in my breath. I smile and push away the martini glass for I will never order that shit again.

"Says the man of wonders." I form my elbow into an L shape as my fist holds my head. Steve seems like someone that I could have a nice conversation with. Though he was judgy about how I drink a martini, he seems like a nice guy.

"Want to walk?" He asks as he extends his hand to me. I smile down at his hand and take it. I slide off the stool and take a couple steps towards him.

We walk around the party and we find his friend, Sam. He looks at me with a smile. Though he's attractive, I don't see myself pursuing anything with him. Steve and Sam have a little chit chat as I watch them. I sit by a two-person sofa and cross my legs. Their chit chat seems to not involve me so I might as well mind my business.

"Kate," I look up to see Steve sit next to me with Sam no where near, "You know, I've got to say thank you."

"For?" I furrow my brows for I have no clue what he's talking about.

"For coming with me. I mean, I honestly though you weren't going to, buy I'm glad that you did." I smile, he finds happiness from how I went to this lame party with him. I mean, I'm sort of happy too? Just thought there'd be much more fun than classy disgusting drinks and formal dressing.

But Steve, he makes this party light up with his bright smile. He doesn't have to try. My attention seems to go to him today and his to me. I don't mind, I like it. I like him.

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