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   Since Mal Queen of the Isle was a child, The Aurorians wanted her country and her crown. She is sent to Auradon to wed it's next king; to save herself and her people, A bond that should protect ,but there are forces of darkness, forces of the heart,long may she live.

CINDERELLA'S BURG 2012: Mal Queen of the Isle has been hidden away at a convent for her safety since age 9. Engaged since childhood to the future king of Auradon she awaits her return to Auradon Court.....

Age 15 going on 16 Queen Mal is sitting down preparing for lunch as chip is passing around lunch her taster Lady Agatha ( she checks mals food for poision

Celia: OH MY GOSH!

Mal: WHAT!

Celia: look 

Mal: Lady Agatha oh my gosh are you okay !

Lady Agatha: Lady Mal don't touch me I don't want you to get blood on you 

Guard Jessie: TAKE THE PLATE AWAY NOW ALL OF THEM, someone has tried to poision the queen she must leave now.

Mal: What? but but.. why

Guard Jessie: She must go to Auradon now!! someone has tried to murder you this was an assasanation attempt you were nearly poisned.

Mal: What? bye who I am so confused right now what the hell is going on?

Guard Jessie: Someone with ties to the protesant throne of Auroria no dought they will be found and dealt with.

Mal: Poor Lady Agatha I didn't know that she was 

Guard Jessie: what you didn't know that she was your taster ? My Queen every meal you have eaten has been tested for poision since you were born. You are the queen of the Isle you know being apart of royalty it comes with a package. Go fetch your bags you have to leave soon my Queen.

Mal: ok oh and um .... Jessica I told you along time ago to just call me Mal I don't like titles when it comes to royalty it just not my thing you know.

Guard Jessie: ok my Queen (smirks)

Mal: ooooo you get on my nerves sometimes.

Guard Jessie: ok... just hurry up and get your bags we really need to go.  

10  M I N U T E S  L A T E R

( Guards get Mal's bags and puts them in limo )

Mal: Jess I don't know if i'm ready.

Guard Jessica: To leave Cinderella's Burg or get married

Mal:(nerves laugh) Both, I just hoped I could go back to the Isle one last time.

Guard Jessica: Your friend from the Isle will be there when you arrive to Auradon  people that you have known your whole life your safer in Auradon then the Isle MAL you are nearly a woman and Benjamin is nearly a man its time.

( Mal gets in the Limo )

Mal: Well here we go. (takes deep Breath )


Mal: Yes (opens door)

Celia: I made this bracelet for you 

Mal: Thanks Celia ( puts bracelet on and hugs her ) its beautiful (smiles)

Celia: one last thing 

Mal: Yes

Cogsworth: Queen Mal we need to go the Queen of auradon is exspecting us ) 

Mal: ok one second

Celia: There are ghost in that castle you know 

Mal: Really ? who told you that 

Celia: My bestfriend Dizzy told me her brother is the prince 

Mal: Yes I know her the last time I saw her she was 5 years old she probably 15 now right

Celia: yeah the same age as me anyways as I was saying she said the halls were filled with tourtured soul and theres a girl who face is ruined she covers it

Mal: you know I was in Auradon before  I didn't see any ghost. 

Celia: But what if they saw you.

Guard Jessica : Mal you need to go.

Mal: ok bye celia ( gives her hug)

Celia: bye Mal.

( Mal gets in the car she looks one last time at the place she has lived at for so long knowing that she will miss it dearly.)

3 H O U R S  L A T E R

Cogsworth: My Queen we have arrived to auradon.


~ LONG MAY THEY LIVE~ A MalxBen StoryWhere stories live. Discover now