Missed Oportunity

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They were at Farkle's for a New Year's Eve party. Maya was out on the fire escape having a smoke, she needed to get away from all the people and escape for a little while.

"Maya," Zay came out to get her. "The ball is gonna drop soon."

"Ok, I'll be in to watch it in a couple minutes."

"The ball is gonna drop soon," he repeated himself.

"I know, you just said that."

"No, the ball is gonna drop, tell him, make your move."

"What are you talking about, Zay?"

"You know what. I see the way you look at him, it's pretty obvious."

Maya stood there for a moment pondering his words.

"You know what, you're right, Zay."

She and Lucas have been good friends for a while. She likes him, and she's pretty sure he likes her back. Why not tell him how she feels?

She put out her cigarette and went inside to find Lucas.

"Lucas, I need to talk to you," she pulled him aside.

"Is everything okay?" he asked concerned.

"Yeah, I just have something I really need to tell you."

"Hey guys, you enjoying the party?" Farkle interrupted.

"Yeah, it's great, Farkle. But I have to something important to tell Lucas," Maya tried to get Farkle to walk away but failed in doing so.

"Is it about that thing with Riley?" Farkle asked.

"What about Riley?" Lucas asked.

"She likes you, Lucas," Farkle told him.

"Woah, Riley still likes me," he repeated to himself with a smile. "Maya, would it be okay with you if I ask Riley out?"

Maya's smile only faltered for a split second, no one even noticed.

"Of course, that's actually what I was coming to tell you. I think you two should try again," she lied to him behind her smile.

"Thanks, I'm gonna go look for her before the ball drops," Lucas disappeared into the sea of teenagers with red solo cups.

"What the hell, Minkus?" Maya shoved Farkle. "You know I didn't come over to tell Lucas to run along and date Riley."

She was beyond pissed. A sappy as it sounds, this was supposed to be where she told Lucas how she felt and he'd confess that he liked her too and they got together. But Farkle had to come over and open his big mouth.

"Riley likes Lucas and she deserves a chance. She deserves to be happy."

"And I don't?"

"Sometimes the happiness of one person has to be sacrificed for the happiness of another," he told her straight-faced.

"Shut up, they're coming over here, but I'm not done with you," Maya glared at him.

"Peaches," Riley greeted Maya with a hug and a huge smile. "Did you tell him?"

"No, sweetie, it was Farkle."

"I knew how anxious you were to tell him, so I helped you out a little."

"Well, thank you, Farkle. If it weren't for you, I don't think I'd ever have worked up the nerve to tell him."

"Of course, I just want you to be happy," he looked over at Maya.

"Come on, Riley. Let's watch the ball drop from the roof," Lucas suggested.

"Ok, you coming, Peaches?"

"No," she shook her head. "It's your moment with Lucas, go."

Riley smiled and nodded before running to catch up with Lucas.

"Riley's happy with Lucas," Farkle's expression was deadly serious. "Don't mess it up for her." 

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