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"Maya, you better be up for school," Katy yelled down the hall as she tied her apron for work around her waist.

Hearing no response, she walked into Maya's room to see her fully under the covers.

"It's time for school," she pulled the blanket off her.

"No, I need to stay home today," Maya pulled it back over herself.

"School is important, I'm not fighting with you over this."

"You said I can take off school when I need to, so I'm taking off today."

Katy remembered  telling Maya to stay home if she felt too overwhelmed to go. She decided she wasn't going risk Maya's well-being again just to get her to school.

"I better call in sick to work then," she wanted to keep an eye on her daughter.

"No, go to work, we need the money," Maya reminded her.

It was true, they barely made rent last month and it was just raised again.

"Fine, but call me if anything happens, okay?"

"Got it."

"I love you, Maya," her mom kissed her forehead.

"Love you too, mom. Bye."

"Bye, sweetheart."

Maya pulled her phone off the nightstand.

Can't walk together, not going to school today, She texted Riley.

Are you mad at me for dating Lucas? Riley texted back.

No, I'm just not feeling well

Ok, feel better, Peaches :)

Maya put her face into her pillow and screamed. How could she be so stupid by telling Lucas he should date Riley?

She spent the majority of the day angrily drawing in her notepad.

I'm bringing your books over after school, Zay texted her.

As promised, there was a knock on her window at around 3:30.

"You're not really sick," he said as he came through her window.

"Hello to you too, Zay."

"Here are your books," he placed the stack on her desk.

"That's a shit ton of work."

"That's what happens when you fake sick from school."

"I really needed to stay home, my stomach's been in knots all day," she wasn't lying.

"Oh, Maya," Zay turned away.


"I think it's your time of the month," he said uncomfortably.

"Oh," Maya looked down at her pants and saw the red spots. "Maybe that's why my stomach's been so weird. I'm gonna go get changed and I'll be right back."

She grabbed another pair of pants and went into the bathroom. She took a deep breath.

"It's okay, Maya. He doesn't know anything," she said to calm herself down.

Once her breathing went back to normal, she reached up into the medicine cabinet and pulled out a bottle of antiseptic.

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