Awarness and seeking help

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     Ok guys if your reading this then thank you. It shows you care about mental health issues and awareness. Mental health is something that's sadly taken lightly now a days. I know I don't normally get really serious with what I write but this is different. I care about every single one of you precious people, and want you to know your not alone.
    To the people who are going through a lot and are thinking it will never get better. Trust me loves it does, no matter how bad it may seem right now it will get better. All great thing come after the storm.
     To the girl going through bullying and hating her body it will get better baby I promise. To the boy who thinks he's worthless, ugly, unloved, or going through a really bad death in the family, it will get better I promise. To the girl or boy feeling as though your not good enough. Well baby you are more than good enough.
    I'm here for any of you all that are going through this, just please reach out. Please message me. And to the people cutting or thinking of ending it, I'm begging please please please don't. There are people who love you, and any negative thoughts going through your head are all lies. You are needed, you are loved. So please put down the knife, gun, scissors, noose, whatever it is put it down please. I love and care about you so please reach out.
   No matter what you think you are beautiful, loved, more than worth it, and you will get through it. No matter what fight, I know what it's like to have those negative thoughts. Constantly thinking your not good enough, hating your body, thinking your ugly, and no one will love you.
     But I eventually got help from my amazing friends and started to slowly love myself and my body. There's still things I don't like about it but I'm improving. So please talk to me, dm. I wanna help you guys get through.

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