★ | 173. like a dream, yuri on ice

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 173: Like A Dream, Yuri On Ice
Word Count: 1111

Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 173: Like A Dream, Yuri On IceWord Count: 1111

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"I'm so nervous." Yuuri was shaking at the table, his mind running wild. The final for the ice staking tournament was later that day and he had been training so hard for it but his confidence was taking a hit.

His lover next to him gently grabbed his hands, stopping them from shaking and caressing them. "Everything is going to be fine. You've trained so hard for this and I believe in you. It's going to be perfect."

"But what if I don't win?" Yuuri questioned, a look of fear passing through his eyes.

[name] smiled at him softly and placed his forehead on the other males. "Then you don't win. There are more tournaments and you're not going to win every one. All you can do is try your best and I am so proud of you for that." He moved his hands from Yuuri's hands and placed them on his cheeks, lifting his head up from looking at the ground. "I can distract you if you want." He spoke cheekily.

Yuuri finally laughed, feeling a little bit lighter. "And how do you plan on doing that?"

"Well..." Before Yuuri knew it, he was being picked up. He gasped in surprise wrapping his legs around his boyfriends waist and was carried into their charred room. "How about instead of telling you, I show you."

Yuuri was placed on the bed, laying down on his back and he looked at the other male with pure love in his eyes. "Do we have enough time to?"

"We have all the time in the world." [name] grabbed the bottom of his white t-shirt and pulled it up and over his head, throwing it aside. "Maybe not all the time but I'll make sure you're not late." He placed his hands on the waistband of Yuuri's pants and smirked, "now, sit back and relax. I'm doing all the work now."

Yuuri nodded his head and leaned back, getting comfortable on the bed and blushing when his pants were pulled off. No matter how many times they had sex, he was still nervous every time they did it.

He was nervous for if [name] didn't find him attractive anymore and would be disgusted of his body. He was nervous for if he suddenly couldn't please his lover anymore.

Those thoughts never lasted long as he left his mind get wrapped up in the pleasure [name] was giving to him and he let a happy smile spread across his lips.

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The two were at the tournament now and [name] was saying his goodbyes as it was Yuuri's turn to get onto the ice and perform.

"You're going to do great. Remember what I said earlier. Just breath and do what you know you're amazing at." He placed a kiss on Yuuri's forehead before looking into his eyes. "I love you."

"I love you to." Yuuri replied and [name] walked towards the stands and sat down where his seat was assigned. Yuuri clenched his fists by his side and squeezed his eyes shut.

He could do this. He had been skating all of his life. This was his passion and he wasn't going to let his fear and anxiety get in the way of that. He was going to try his best so no matter what happened tonight, he would make himself proud.

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"And the winner is..." Yuuri stopped breathing as he waited for the result. He had poured his heard and soul into his routine and he hadn't messed up once. He hadn't let himself down. "Yuuri Katsuki!"

He thought his ears were tricking him at first. Did they just say his name? No, there was no way. There was no way he actually won. The cheers and whistles from the crowed broke up out of his daze and he gasped as the judge walked up to him and put a gold medal around his neck. "T - Thank you." He stuttered, still feeling like he was dreaming. He lifted his hand and touched the medal, tears gathering in his eyes.

After a speech from the judges, he slowly skating off the rink, tears falling down his cheeks. Arms wrapped around him and he was pulled into a tight hug. He knew who it was and he dug his face into the males neck, letting himself cry his eyes out.

[name] rubbed his back and asked quickly, "what's wrong? I did just hear your name be called, right?"

Yuuri nodded his head but kept it the same place on his boyfriends neck. "I'm just so happy. I can't believe I won." He didn't care that people were looking at him with confusion or the whispers they were saying.

"I told you you could do it." [name]
laughed, letting Yuuri hold onto him for as long as he needed to. "Let's go out tonight to celebrate! We can go anywhere you want and I'll buy you whatever you want."

Yuuri couldn't describe the amount of happiness he was feeling. He felt like his legs could collapse under him. "I - I want to go to my mums and have a pork cutlet bowl." He said, sniffling.

"Of course that's what you would choose." He ran his fingers through Yuuri's dark hair, massaging his scalp lightly. "I'm sure she'll be so happy to see you. She was texting me the whole time." She had had to stay home but she had been watching it live on the television.

"Is she proud of me?" Yuuri finally pulled back to look at him.

He nodded his head and the corner of his lip perked up. "Everyone is. Even Victor texted. He said he was going to call you tonight to congratulate you."

Victor was Yuuri's ex boyfriend and he and [name] hadn't gotten along at all. They had only tolerated each other because of Yuuri. Victor was still Yuuri's friend and [name] wouldn't be one of those people that told their significant other they couldn't hang out with their ex because they were jealous. Besides, he trusted Yuuri and knew there was nothing between the two skaters anymore.

"And you?"

"I am so proud of you."

With a newfound confidence travelling through him, Yuuri placed his hand on the other males chest and said, "you gonna show me how proud of me you are tonight?"

[name] raised his eyebrows in surprise. Yuuri was never one to make the first move. "You bet your ass I am."

★ ★ ★

Authors Note: See below!

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