Chapter 1

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  "You shine like the stars in the universe." -Philippians 2:15

Ok. Let me introduce myself. I'm Camila. Most people call me Cami. I'm 14 and I'm in 8th grade at my school. I play basketball and I'm on the Academic Team. I also have a mom and a dad. I'm a only child or what I like to say is a LONELY child. Hehe.... Anyway, here's my story.

         "Question 15: Only one of these are a chemical change..." said the announcer. I was at my academic competition. My team was actually winning!
         "...and the correct answer is....C!"
         My team jumped up and high fives each other. We won! We grabbed our ribbons and we talked to each other about the questions.
"That last one was easy!" I said to my friend, Maddie.
"I know, right! I knew we would get that one!" She said.
We were walking out to the parking lot for our parents to pick us up.
         "Anyway, see you at school," Maddi says. She hopped into the car and waved goodbye.
After awhile I was questioning if my parents were gonna pick me up. And after awhile I called my mom and she didn't answer. Then I called my dad and HE didn't answer.
After 30 minutes waiting outside, I get a call from the hospital. I push the button and I said, "Hello?"
A woman's voice answered. She was crying, "Camila, I-I'm sorry to deliver this news to you..."
"Nononononononono" I screamed. I cried.
The woman finished her sentence, "Your parents died" her voice cracked, "They died in a car crash on-on the way to pick you up."

           Hello! I'm baaaaccck! I was too busy with school and stuff to write much.
          I got this plot idea from one of those writing.promt.s, but as I wrote this down, I realized how much this sounds like the beginning of  Series Of Unfortunate Events. Don't worry I'll drive rest of the plot differently.
         Anyway, I hope you'll like my story! (Not that anyone reads these)

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