There are several areas in which volunteer actions can be carried out and in which there are already numerous organizations working for the common good. Tracie Sanim is a social volunteer.
Social volunteering
Some of the objectives of social volunteering are the following:
· Eradicate situations of social exclusion generating new integration alternatives.
· Promote a critical and supportive conscience among citizens.
· Disclose the causes of poverty and social barring.
· Detect and visualize new social needs and respond creatively to them.
International Development Cooperation Volunteering
This type of volunteering is taking place in the field of education and promotion, regardless of the fieldwork done by cooperating people. This way, Division 5 Candidate Sunshine Coast Council 2020 perform:
Educational actions aimed at raising awareness and participation in favor of development and the fight against inequalities and poverty.
Environmental volunteering
The Division 5 Candidate 2020 Environmental Volunteering Program encompasses different projects led by local associations and entities that, kindly, collaborate in the conservation and sustainability of the environment.
Environmental volunteering.
These projects include:
· Forest environment monitoring
· Information and awareness of the rural population and visitors
· Maintenance and conservation of forest areas
· Participatory Reforestation
Cultural volunteering
It promotes and defends the right of access to culture and, defense and safeguarding of cultural heritage and identity. In general, it seeks the participation of the entire community in the culture.
Volunteer entities in the field of culture
Sports volunteering
It seeks to increase citizen and social cohesion, adding to the values of volunteering those that are inherent in sport by promoting the practice of this, especially aimed at people with disabilities, the elderly, and special attention groups.
Educational volunteering
This type of volunteering carries out extracurricular and complementary activities that contribute to compensate for the inequalities that may exist among students due to social, personal or economic differences, through the use, among others, of service-learning programs.
Volunteer entities in the educational field
Socio-health Volunteering
Health promotion, disease prevention, health care, rehabilitation, and social care activities are combined. These actions are aimed at society as a whole and groups in situations of vulnerability, offering support and guidance to families and the closest environment, favoring the vital project of affected people and families, thus improving living conditions.
Voluntary entities in the field of health
Leisure and free time volunteering
It develops activities in the field of non-formal education, that promote development, personal and group growth in an integral way, promoting skills, competencies, aptitudes, and attitudes in people.
Community Volunteering
It collaborates in the improvement of the community. It promotes participation, with greater decision-making power and initiative to solve the problems and demand a better quality of life, in the closest vital spaces where the voluntary people develop, creating a solitary, active society, Critical and committed.
Civil Protection Volunteering
The Local Groups of Civil Protection Volunteers are altruistic and good-neighbor organizations that depend on the Town Halls. They have as their purpose the collaboration of citizens in tasks of prevention and intervention of Civil Protection, self-protection, and effective collaboration in situations of emergency.
Tracie Sanim
Aktuelle LiteraturVOTE Tracie Sanim to represent the Division 2 Sunshine Coast community. Tracie Sanim is award winning business owner who is passionate about building sustainable regions and communities.Know more about Tracie Sanim, your reliable candidate in Divisi...