chapter 4

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A short but a shudder update for chapter four 😊

Marguerite POV's

Night before the Wedding

Another raining cats and dog fights 😝 (rawrrrr)

Marguerite received a summons from Matheus's secretary the following day requesting her presence at his office at two p.m. It annoyed her that he hadn't taken the time to call her himself and she seriously considered not turning up, but at the last minute thought better of it. She wasn't prepared to risk incurring his wrath in case yet again it backfired on her.

She still resolutely refused to think about the kiss.

Every time her tongue touched her lips she snapped her teeth together and distracted herself with something else so she didn't have to think about how his lips had crushed hers. She wouldn't allow herself to recall the feel of his hard thighs pressing her backwards, nor would she give in to the temptation of recalling how his long fingers had felt against her breast, or his hot mouth closing over her nipple.

When she arrived at his office tower, she was in no better frame in mind. Matheus's secretary greeted her with less haughtiness, and even though her gaze swept over Marguerite's worn out trainers and faded jeans and yellow white top she gave no outward indication of her disapproval.

Matheus, however, frowned as she entered his office after his command to come in. He reached for something on his desk and handed it to her without a word.

'What is it?' She looked the envelope suspiciously.

'It's the credit card I sent to you a few days ago which, for some reasons, you returned. However, judging from your current appearances, it looks like it might come in very useful.'

She straightened her spine and ignored his outstretched hand, 'I dont want your filthy money.'

A tiny nerve pulsed at the side of his mouth as he looked down at her. 'I suggest you take it and use it to buy the sort of clothes you will need to be my wife for the next months. If you dont I'll have to dress you each morning myself and, believe me, nothing would give me a greater pleasure.'

She took the envelope and stuffed it into her pocket with a mutinous scowl.

'Sit down, Marguerite,' he commanded. 'I have some things to diacuss with you.'

She sat down and folded her arms across her chest.

'My lawyer has prepared some documentation for you to look over and sign. He handed her a sheaf of papers. 'When our marriage is annulled I will pay you a sum but you get nothing else, understood?'

She sent him an arctic look before lowering her eyes to the papers in her hands.

'I suggest you read through those carefully and see my lawyer, he continued. 'You're under no pressure to sign, ofcourse, but if you refuse I will have no choice but to pursue criminal charges against your brother.'

She didn't trust herself to speak. She sat fuming at his overbearing manner, wishing she could find some way of paying him back for making her feel so wretched.

'I'd also like you to move out of your apartment the day before our wedding. Since we'll be marrying, the next morning I thought it would be more convenient. I've advised the hotel of your impending arrival and organise a removals firm for your belongings. I've also made an appointment forr you with the hotel beauty salon therapist just in case you're tempted to do another routine similar last night. I wouldn't want you to suffer any further emapbarassment.'

She looked up at him at that see him holding the morning's newspaper, open at the social pages. She stared at the photograph which had been taken the night before in the restaurant. It could hardly be described as flattering. Her mouth looked like a fly trap, her eyes like she had a hangover and her cleavage like a blatant invitation to take liberties. Matheus, however, looked tje urbane bussinessman he was, even though his smile was faintly mocking.

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