-secret santa.

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title; secret santa

author; chimout

words; 10000+


Jungkook arrives two minutes later, exactly at the agreed time; he’s dressed in a long coat and a blue-grey turtleneck, face just hidden beneath his black cap. There’s ink on his knuckles and his fingers, words Jimin can’t decipher, but the sight of tattoos makes his heart race and his cheeks burn red. This isn’t the Jungkook he knew all those years ago, but rather than feeling shock course through him at the alarming changes, Jimin finds himself wanting to cry.

Because a couple of feet in front of him is the boy who used to follow him and playfully call him hyung, who stared at him with wide eyes and smiles that made Jimin’s days. And he’s all grown up.

Eight years is a long time, but Jimin really feels it now.

or, single dad jimin reunites with his best friend after eight years in the most unlikeliest of ways and finds himself falling all over again



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