finding the child

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Amy was on her way from seeing a client in Calgary.

She was driving down a busy road when she suddenly saw a  baby crawl out in front of her.

She swerved to avoid the child then pulled over to check on the child.

Amy got out of her and ran over to the child.

Where are your parents Amy asked as she picked up the child.

The child was filthy and it's dipper which was the only thing the child was wearing was soaked.

Amy didn't know what to do she couldn't leave child on the side of the road.

After a while people started stop and ask what was going on.

Amy explained the situation and the fact that she didn't know what to do.

You should call the police a nice woman said.

Okay Amy said and did as she was told.

The police came but they couldn't find the child's parents.

Can I take her home with me Amy asked the officer assuming the child was a girl.

Yes you can but first I need to see your Id and you're going to have to become a foster parent also sps will come to your home to make sure it's safe and that have all of the necessary items for the child the officer said.

Okay ghat's fine here's my id Amy said.

After  the polce left Amy wrapped the child in a blanket she found in the back of the truck and walked over to the  Walmart across the street.

Amy grabbed a cart and put the child ,who was wrapped in it.

The child started crying when Amy put her down.

It's okay I'm not going anywhere and I'm going take care of you Amy said kissing the child's forehead.

Okay first order of business dippers Amy thought to herself.

If you were dippers where would you be Amy said .

She eventually found the dippers and wipes.

She also  decided to get dipper rash cream because she wasn't sure how long the child had been wearing the soggy dipper and she knew that baby skin was sensitive to things like that.

After getting the dippers Amy  went to the clothing aisle and got some clothes for the child .

After Amy found some cute clothes for the baby girl she went to the bathroom to change her.

Amy pulled the changing table and placed the child on it.

Amy took the child's diaper off and immediately felt horrible for the child that upon taking off the diaper Amy had confirmed was in fact a girl.

The little girl's dipper was so wet it nearly descended in Amy's hand when she took it off.

The little girl started crying when Amy took her dipper off.

I know it hurts Amy said to the little girl

The poor little girl's bump was so raw and red that Almy could only imagine how much it hurt.

It's okay sweetheart this cream will help Amy said.

After she had finished cleaning up the baby Amy

By the time Amy was done shopping she had a full of. Baby stuff.

She decided to use the self checkout so she could avoid the inevitable questions people would ask.

In the parking lot Amy couldn't get the carseat to click into the bass for the life of her and she was getting weird looks.

She could understand why she could only imagine how weird it looked that she had a dirty baby that didn't look like her and she was having trouble getting the carseat into the truck .

After 10 minutes of struggling the carseat finally clicked in.

Are you hungry Amy asked the baby 

Amy climbed into the back seat of the truck,opened some of the raspberries  she bought and gave it to the baby .

You like that don't you Amy asked smiling she handed the baby another raspberry.

The baby giggled.

After the baby finished eating Amy drove the rest of the way back to heartland.

What's your name sweetheart Amy asked the baby smiling.

The baby just giggled and grabbed her feet.

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