cerebral palsy?

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Cerebral palsy what is that Shana asked

It's the neurological condition that affects the muscles dr. Bean told her.

Shana look at Amy.

What did you do to my baby Shana asked through tears.

I promise Shana I didn't do anything to hurt her Amy said.

It's nobody's fault it might not even be cp you don't know yet dr. Bean said.

Can it affect talking too Amy asked.

It can she's not talking yet dr.bean asked.

I have never heard her talk Amy said.

No she doesn't talk yet Shana said.

Maybe we should consider speech therapy dr. Bean said.

I think that would be a good idea Amy said.

I'm going give you a referral for a speech therapist dr. Bean said.

Okay that sounds good Amy said.

I'm also going to send you to a cerebral palsy specialist to confirm and prescribe a feeding tube just for it a little extra nutrition dr. Bean said

If it is CP what are the treatment options Shana asked

Well there isn't treatment options because it's not a disease but there are stretches we can do to help loosen up her muscles and hopefully help get her to walk and as for talking the speech therapy should help with that dr.bean said.

Okay Shana said.

Shana cried all the way back to her house.

What did I do wrong shana said through tears.

Absolutely nothing even doctor being said it's nobody's fault it might not even be CP we don't know yet Amy said trying to cheer her up.

But even if it's not CP she still has major issues and that's my fault Shana said.

No it's not it could've happened to anybody Amy said.

Amy don't understand I was doing drugs when I was pregnant Shana said.

Well that wasn't the best idea but the past is the past Amy said.

Amy pulled up to shana's house.

Before she got out of the car shana looked at Amy.

Amy shana said.

Yes Amy asked.

Thank you shana said.

For what Amy asked.

Listening shana said.

Your welcome If you need anything here I'm here Amy said.

Thank you Amy shana said.

Your welcome Amy said.

Amy waited for shana to go into the house before she left.

Are you ready to go home Amy asked Zoey.

Zoey smiled.

I'll take that as as a yes Amy said .

When they got home Amy put Zoey down for a nap.

She decided to take the baby monitor and try to get some work done.

Amy was working when Ty pulled up.

Tricky horse Ty asked.

Yeah it doesn't help that I can't focus Amy said.

Why is that Ty asked.

I'm super stressed out Amy said.

Do you want to talk about it Ty asked.

Zoey might have cp Amy said.

That's tough Ty said.

It is and I'm not sure i can handle it Amy said .

So what do you want to do Ty asked.

I think i need to let her go Amy said .

Are you thinking about sending her to another home Ty asked.

Yes Amy said starting to sob..

Oh honey it's okay Ty said hugging Amy.

He knew it was killing her to even think about giving Zoey up.

That's when Amy heard Zoey's cry from the baby monitor .

I have to go get her Amy said.

I can do it Ty said.

No I want to Amy said.

Okay Ty said kissing her.

Amy walked into her room and picked Zoey up.

She kissed Zoey's head.

I love you so much much sweetheart Amy said.

Zoey snuggled into Amy's shoulder.

Amy had hold back the Tears.

Two weeks later it was time for Zoey's appointment with the neurologist.

Amy walked up to the receptionist.

Who are you here to see today the receptionist asked

Dr. Vanessa Amy said.

Okay who is the appointment for the receptionist asked

Zoey Andrews Amy said.

Okay fill these out and we'll be right with you the receptionist said.

Okay I am a foster parent so I may not know everything on the form Amy said.

Okay we actually have a different forms for that the receptionist said.

Oh okay here Amy said handing the receptionist the other form back.

Here you go the receptionist said handing Amy the new form.

Thank you have a nice day Amy said smiling.

Amy walked over to the waiting area and sat down.

She filled out the form and played with Zoey.

15 minutes later Amy and Zoey were called back.

You want this Amy asked handing Zoey a toy she had packed.

Zoey happily took the toy .

5 minutes later doctor vanessa walked in .

After talking to Amy and reviewing Zoe's case dr. Vanessa determined it was probable that Zoey had moderate to severe cerebral palsy.

Dr. Vanessa ordered an MRI just to make sure Her diagnosis was correct.

2 weeks later the MRI results had arrived and Zoey did in fact have cerebal palsy.

After getting off the phone with dr. Vanessa Amy called Shana to tell her the news.

After talking to Shana Amy sat down on the couch and broke down into tears.

Amy knew this diagnosis would be a lot to handle and without the support of most of her family she wasn't sure if she could handle it.

Not knowing what else to do she called Clint .

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