Chapter 3

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The next day

I wake up and look around the unfamiliar place. "Where am I." I think to myself then have a flashback to last night..."oh right...I'm now alone." I look at the time and sigh getting out of the bed and going to get dressed. "Where were the hero's when I needed them. They didn't save my father, they didn't stop my mother and she killed herself in front of them...and now my sister" I groan and bang my head against the wall.

"Villain...villain...become a villain"

"No, I can't become a villain. Even though hero's were no help that doesn't mean that I can become a villain." After about 10 minutes I finally finish getting ready and head downstairs.

"Morning (Y/N)" I hear and look to see Aziawa. "Morning sir" I reply with no emotion and my face dull. "I wanna walk to school" I say already heading out the door.

Aziawa's POV

"Poor girl, she's young and already lost everything" I think to myself watching her leave the house.


After walking for a few minutes I finally get to school and to class A1 doors. Looking at the doors for who knows how long I finally decide to walk in and the whole class swarms me asking me questions on how I was doing.

"Can this day get any worse"

I manage to get past everyone and to my seat laying my head in the desk. After a few minutes Aziawa walks in. "Today you guys will be in teams playing hero's and villains, so go get changed into your costumes and meet me out in the gym.

Everyone in the class except for a few cheered. Standing up I walk over to get my costume and goes to the girls changing room. "Hey (Y/N) how are you doing...well since you know your..." Ochako asks before I stop her. "I'm doing fine so you guys stop asking" I growl slightly and getting changed into tight black somewhat ripped pants held on with a flashy black belt, knee high black boots, a black that fades to red lose cropped short with a black hooded cape that is red at the bottom and flashy black gloves.

                                        ((The picture below))

                                        ((The picture below))

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((Time skip to getting teams))

Still (Y/N) POV

We got our teams and I was paired with a bird headed guy named Tokoyami who's quirk was similar to mine and on the villains team. Our plan was to have dark shadow come out as a distraction and have me disappear into the  shadows and come out at the hero's shadow and touch the fake bomb.

After watching teams go against each other it was finally our turn. We took our spots and Tokoyami released dark shadow. I watched quietly from a distance. When the other person was distracted I used my quirk and disappeared into the buildings shadow quietly sneaking to the room with the fake bomb.

"Who's there?" I hear the other person say. "Me" I say touching the bomb. "(Y/N) AND TOKOYAMI ARE THE WINNERS" I hear All Might yell.

Time skip to the end of the day

School ended as I walked out the school gates and started walking to who knows where. After a few minutes I sense someone following me. "Who's there?" I ask. A tall pale guy with scars on him and jet back hair comes out of the shadows. "Who are you and what do you want?" I ask not phased by this guy. The guy doesn't say anything, but instead grabs me and puts a cloth over my mouth making me pass out.

(???) POV

"I got her"

"Good now you know where to bring her"



I wake up in an unfamiliar place and tied to a chair. "Where the hell am I" I mutter looking around and see a bunch of people. There's a tall reptile looking guy, a guy with a mask, a cute but psycho looking blond girl, a guy with light blue hair and a hand on his face and the tall pale guy I saw earlier.

"Oh my gosh your so cute" the blond girl squeals. "I'm Toga and I hope we can be friends" she says smiling a bright smile. Toga gets pulled away by the tall pale guy. "I'm Dabi" the pale guy says. "The reptile looking guy is spinner the masked guy is twice and the guy over there is Shigaraki" he says pointing to the blue haired guy.

"Dont worry about introducing yourself (Y/N) we know all about you. Your name, what happened to you and your quirk" Shigaraki says. "We want you to join us and become a villain" he says his smirks clear behind his mask.

I stay quiet and look at them with a deadpan stare for a few minutes before smirking. "My life has been hell and there were no hero's to help...yeah sure I'll join" I tell them with no hesitation. The league was surprised on how I didn't hesitate. "Very well good...Dabi let her go" Shigaraki says as Dabi nods and unties me.

"We will be more strick for about a month until we trust you but were glad to have you in our team" he say. I nod and smirk "thanks for the opportunity"


Here's the forth chapter and Dabi finally came in. Hope your enjoying it so far. The picture is an edit I made and I'll probably have some as pictures throughout the story. The picture used for the edits aren't mine. See you next chapter

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