you moved on

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you moved on. i didn't. i cant. this whole thing started with the two of us at that corner bus stop with me making a stupid ass comment and you wanting to rip my head off. over time we started things off on the right foot. it was you, me, that wanna be gang member, one leged man, crazy white boy and your sissy. never would have thought you would mean this much to me back then. shoot that was a blueprint for the fam. but then in a flash i moved into that apt with my momma after her divoroce and our freindship was over. i tried to be good, get good grades, do the right thing. yet i was bad, skiped classes cuz one drunken text and did nearly everything wrong. felt like dropping out when i was in his office with my dad when he told me i had to do online classes. hell i was 5 minutes from walking out that first day when i looked up and there came this short girl wearing a grey shirt with her hair down. all she said was do you remember me. and thats why i think i stayed in my seat. slowly but quicky there was another blueprint for the fam with me and you leading the way as king and queen. then in a plot twist those doors opened one day around christmas time and in came a great person/freind and a guy who would soon wanna punch me. off you went until i followed you and her into that hallway finding you by the locker room asked her waht her name was and she said it as she smiled and covered her mouth. and if i knew what i know now i would hit pause since i had the two that means the most to me at the same place. and then it all came together, no more blueprints just the real deal. now dont ask me when i first felt how i felt. it came together like a masterpaice. i climbed towards that best freind postion yet i watched you go thru heartbreak after heartbreak. less then a week til summer break ended and we made a deal. yet on the frist morning back i had you near my hands in that dugout. should have stoped you right there and let me walls down but i acted like it didnt matter that much to me cuz i always tried to be the one you could, everyone, count on. dam pride right there. more and more time passed, with a side of heartbreaks and me doing my best to put a smile on my best freind face. i broke so many laws, should have been arrested half a dozen times for you. i gradtued becasue of you. a unknown time period passed and you told me you were heading out. i left work early that morning despite you not wanting me to, cuz i couldnt just leave you leave. hell i got to the parking lot early and no surpise it was a little raining. you told us all that you didnt want anyone to cry cuz you would punch us all so i did my best and let a tear or two out when no one looked. then it was time to go, and i walked you out like a king and queen going into the sunset. one path lead to a red truck, still cant look at a red truck the same, which you headed towards. and i took the other way towards the street. when i got to the sidewalk i turned around to see that truck back up, and i stood there with a tear in my eye not crying if anyone on the other side of the window saw me. i walked home in tears when i should have sprinted towards you and huged you and never let you go. but i walked home. i thought the fairytale was over. it was. that is until that whole family thing went down and i said fuck this life. i didnt care what i was losing and giving up. i just cared about you. i was so exicted to see ya i went to the wrong call port at the air port. met you and your grandparents at that pizza place. dam i didnt want to let go of that hug. i didnt care if i had to eat my veggies, sleep in a pink bed, live in the country. i had you back...tempory. no idea how im typing this with the amount of tears falling. everything was good, heck i made your sis and your grandma love me without ever facing them. was told we were going out with your uncle and aunt and you gave me your fathers shirt. i made sure to write a little something for him that night, for like a year i wrote to him.i told your uncle that i wouldnt hurt you. i promised. yet shortly after i was downstairs and you were upstairs crying and i threw a hoodie up. only to have your grandpa give me those, now long gone, promise rings back and i carried my bags up those steps and saw you balling in the halls. i didnt get any sleep that night in the hotel room just watched our show down there and held those rings tight. i creid in sercet on that long bus ride back home. i tried to move on. i couldnt. i didnt think i would seeyou again. but now your back in my neck of the woods. however its not the same. you moved on. i didnt. i cant. our realtionship is over. our freindship is well i cant say it. im not the same without you. i been making mistake after mistake it seems. im trying my best yet i keep failing. im reaching for a title but i havent even gotten to a number one conteder match. beside there's only one title i want. i am who i am now and i cant thank you enough. i know i have told you that in the past but theres still things i want to tell you, that i need to tell you. you might have put the, our, past in well the past.i didnt. i cant. i wouldnt even want to. you were, are, always will be my best freind. i'm just a city boy that just wants you back in my life, in my arms. you're a country girl princess. i know i wasnt and i'll never be the best yet i always gave you my best. i still write cuz thats what you told me to do. things are not the same without the girl i once called my princess. you will always be my princess even if i'm never your prince again. you moved on. red trucks, macdonalds, promises, and every other memorie wont let me. i made a promsie to someone you care about and each day it seems like im letting him down when all i waned was a nod of approval. you probaly aint gonna approval of this letter of mine, but ill never be able to tell you this face to face, my pride wont let me. the irony of that. my pride wont let me tell you this and the memories wont let me move on. so here i stay stuck. stuck in love with someone who doesnt love me anymore.

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