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Hello my fellow friends! I see you are bored and have nothing else to do so you found this book at the bottom of your reading list. Cause, who would want to get to know me?

Jk jk. I just have a little bit of low self esteem 😊

Anyways, this is basically the updated version of my other book 'ME!'. There was nothing wrong with that book except I've changed a bit from when I started that book. Also, some of the usernames are no longer available due to some of my besties accounts getting deleted for absolutely no reason -_-

So.... here you can ask me absolutely anything! Anything at all! You know, like what's my favorite color or favorite songs. You get the point. I also do tags here! So if you tag me, I shall do the tags here.

I will answer unanswered questions that I didn't answer in 'ME!'. Just letting you know.

The cover and title is not permanent. I did not have time to make a cover. I just found that picture off Google when I searched 'Bad Guy Billie Eilish '. I will have the cover, soon 😊

No, 'Bad Guy' is not my favorite song. I just titled it 'Bad Guy' cause why not?

What are we waiting for? Let the Games begin! Are You Ready for it?

Ready for it? Duh....

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