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the figure walks in the house, theyre face had a mask on their face, before jimin pounces on him, the person takes off the mask and its jackson, my eyes widen and i cover my mouth with my hand as tears form in my eyes, they all turn into their wolve form and they tear him into shreads. i have flashbacks from what he did to me, i run to my room and i lock myself in and i sit in the corner balled up, rocking back and forth crying quietly, the fact that i just seen them kill him in front me im not worried about that.

to seven years ago

jackson:"you know one day youre going to regret leaving"

jasp:"i need to leave and i dont need to regret anything and im not going to"

jackson:"just wait youre going to rememeber me"


for the rest of the night the house is quiet and still. im in my room quiet as a mouse, mind blank as a piece of paper, i look at the suitcase under my bed, i remember thats where i put my money at from the ceremony, i grab my old phone from out of my dresser, i charge it and i go count my money. its time for a change

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