I've been waiting to long

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Dear .......

it has been awhile since we last spoke and I have been missing you a lot lately I feel like we have been drifting apart for some time now. Even thou our spark is dying I'll never forget the times we had. The moments we shared and the things we did I feel like I don't matter to you anymore I feel as if you don't even need me anymore I feel like you've been ignoring me for a very long time. I've noticed that you have been drawing a lot more then you used to be and playing that guitar more often as well and I herd you also got a job to that's pretty swell, I have also herd you made a few friends and that's great news but.. what about me.. what happened to what we used to be what happened to our love our commitment to eachothers hearts.. I feel like you just took mine and  brushed it under the rug and started focusing on your own personal needs, I now feel Like an empty shell ready to break at any moment, you were all that kept me standing and  kept me together you kept me fighting.. fighting for you.. and now I feel like that no longer matters I hope you get this I hope you know I can no longer bare this ache within my broken heart I won't be among the living for much longer I love you.

Sincerely. .......

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