in time people change

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I've been noticing a lot of change in friends and family lately I was close to many people and now they feel like strangers to me we always argue and fight over petty things as video games and what type of music we are into some frinds even leave because of those arguments some leave for relation ships and others just never speak to me for no apparent reason.. I feel as thou I'll never change I feel like I'll always be the same I always feel sad when people leave I always wish we could speak again I wish I could stop these things from happening .. but I know that will most likely never happen

I miss a lot of people somtimes I try to message them on scocial media sites and apps but they never seem to responed no matter what I do.. I wish I could turn back the clock to talk to them like we used to..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2014 ⏰

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