Emily pov

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the fresh air of oak-side park was breathtaking as I  and Lauren were chilling about there loved one  i think shes crazy said I as Booker was hanging out with the others at the house and Kate was making dinner for his grandson he was with his grandfather aka slender man.

the radio was playing shine by years and Lauren was chasing hero through the woods and fell onto him she blushed a bit really dear i think we should find more facts about the place.

during dinner everyone was talking about what they did over the weekend chilling when Emily said that she had to walk Clifford.

later on it was lunch time and i was finding Clifford  then i found him sleeping in his kennel and he went on his walk around the park then I saw Booker and my husband up a tree I went to see them hi said me as the boys were running back to the house when me and the boys got home we sat and had dinner.

then i and Clifford after dinner went for our walk and we saw the house and the mine but it was off limits to us only my husband can enter and my friend Booker Dewitt well i had my walk with my big red dog then it was night and i went to bed with my husband. 

end Emily pov  

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