Chapter 1

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Please Read End Notes!

Midoriya Izuku was never quite sure when it began. Two years ago, he quit his job as a bank teller. All for a man he thought he loved, for a man who he thought loved him back. . .


He ran down the shadowed street, bare feet not emitting noise that would have gotten him caught earlier. That and the dark, starless sky were his only advantage. He did his best to avoid the lamp-lit streets, as he would have been captured again right away. But he was almost there, just a couple more blocks.


His adrenaline spiked and his battered feet moved quicker, if it were even possible.

Concrete turned to grass as he made his way to the back entrance of the high-rise apartment building. He sensed no signs of pursuit, and that call had seemed to echo as if it were several streets away. Though he was smart enough not to stand idle out here when he was still out there.

Izuku had to guess it was around one in the morning, as he painfully scaled the seven-foot dumpsters to the nearest window, unlit. He prayed it was empty as his gnarled, cramped, and purple fingers went to slide it up by the frame.

To his relief, the window gave under his shaky arms, and with what little strength he had left, he hoisted himself in, almost collapsing on the tiled floor. He did, though after he shut and locked the window.

Izuku lay there a couple minutes, calming his breath and rapid pulse. Though before he had the chance to give in to his urge to drift into unconsciousness, he rose to his feet, legs quivering like a newborn fawn's, and hobbled to the door. He peeked into the industrial-lit hallway. A sign proclaimed it to be the first floor. From what he had seen, Izuku had managed to stumble into some fancy janitor's closet.

Just his luck.

Closing the door quietly behind him, the green-haired man scampered down the hallway, nearly blacking out a couple of times due to the pain of the post-adrenaline rush. He was a panting, sweaty, dizzy, clammy mess by the time he stepped into the elevator. A scarred finger reached out to painfully press the '9' button. The elevator doors closed without a hiss.

The warm lighting was so different from the murky green he had grown accustomed to. This warm, golden light made Izuku feel as if he had submerged into a warm bath. His eyes slipped closed and he tilted his head back. The stabbing pain that followed caused him to jerk and moan, his shoulder hurt and the back of his head tender. He whimpered a little, pitying himself.

Maybe I should just turn back...

No. he was determined to do this, to break this chain of- of abuse. He would not go back and be that dirtbag's quirkless cocksleeve and knife canvas.

As the elevator doors opened, Izuku dropped the hand that was unconsciously tracing the scars and cuts along his bare abdomen.

912, 914... ah, 920.

Izuku crossed his fingers and immediately regretted it, uncrossing them right away, due to them most-likely being broken. He knocked.

He heard the yapping of a tiny dog and panic engulfed him.

Surely he got the wrong place.

As he slowly began to creep away, which consisted of stumbling and swaying, the lock clicked. Izuku froze, and the door opened. This was the final straw. His head spun and swam, black fog clouding his vision.

Through the haze, he could just barely make out ash blonde hair and bloodred eyes.

His voice was unnaturally hoarse and all he could manage to croak was "Kacchan", before the floor came rushing up at him.

END NOTES : These are my END NOTES from A03

So, this was just an idea that popped in my head, please leave a like and comment if you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you so much for reading, and please check out my other works.

UPDATE (from ao3): Thank you for all the love and support! I will be continuing this story (I'm already working on it in Docs!) so keep tuned, and check out my other works. I'm in the process of Complete With You, but I'll post more when I'm finished with the entire work.

I'm also working on other things, but I don't know when they'll be on here. Updates will probably be more frequent on Ao3 but I WILL be updating on here.

That's all for now!


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