Chapter 29

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Amber, Layla and Jayce had just walked all through their furnished future house and they loved it.

"Baby it's beautiful"

"I hope so"

"I didnt even know there was purple kitchen role"

"Well, you know I don't cook, but you like the kitchen and Layla loves to bake so I put it in your favorite colors" the kitchen was purple, black and white. Layla's room, bathroom and the game room was in the same colors.

"I love it" Amber wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest.

"I'm glad you love it, now we can start our family in this house and get started on our own little colony" Amber laughed.

"You want to go practice?"

"You dont have to ask me twice" he lifted her up and disappeared into their bedroom. After christening their bedroom Jayce left to go take care of some business and Amber and Layla went to Layla's dance lesson. She was sitting in the back with the rest of the mom's watching their coach, coach K talk about recruiting some of them for majorette dancing.

"When I call your name please step forward" she announced.

"Bianca, Kiana, Jessica, Hailey, Natallia, Mona, and Lisa. If I didnt call your name congratulations, your now a majorette" the remaining kids jumped up and ran to their parents in excitement.

"Mommy I'm a majorette" Layla said bouncing up and down.

"I know, are you excited?" Amber hugged her.

"Yes, we get to compete and stuff. Is mom coming to my practice"

"She said she was"


"Alright girls come back because we need to vote on a team captain and a co captain"

"What about Layla she's one of the best dancers" a little girl named Kenya said and Layla hugged her.

"She is one of the best dancers, but Lay do you think you could lead a majorette stand battle?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Freezing up ain't no option"

"I know coach K"

"Alright, Layla is the captain. Who will be co captain?"

"Diamond" some girls yelled out.

"If I make you co captain you need to show up to every practice, this isn't just a dance class anymore, this is majorette and everything has to be perfect"

"I know"

"This is mainly for your mama, can you hear me over there"

"Yeah I hear you coach, loud and clear"

"Get her here on time and she's co captain"

"Okay I got you"

"Diamond you have the job, until you mess up, then I'll give it to India"


"Is this like DD4L?" A girl asked and coach K nodded.

"Now one of the girls that didn't make it which one of you wants to come on the trips to be a manager?" They all started speaking at once.

"Alright Mona you got it"


"Now aside from Majorette, we do have a competition in Sacramento, so let's get to practicing" 15 minutes into their practice Danielle came rushing in and sat next to Amber.

My Dirty Little Secret || Jayceon Taylor and Amber RileyWhere stories live. Discover now