Chapter One

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*June's POV*

I sit around, waiting for closing time to roll around so that I could get May home safely. I watch her, trying to not get caught staring. Her long dirty blonde hair is in a disheveled bun and her uniform is stained down the front. I lift my strawberry shake to my lips, sucking from the straw. I push my empty plate back and turn on the bar stool as I catch May watching me. She ducks her head and proceeds back to the kitchen.

I tap my fingers against the countertop. Misty comes out, a sweatshirt pulled tightly around her. She taps my shoulder and I look up at her. "You still taking her home?" I nod my head and she smiles. "Thank you." I nod my head once and she walks out the door, getting into her boyfriend's car. I hear a loud clatter coming from the kitchen area. A waitress walks out, seeming unfazed.

"Excuse me?" I call after her. She comes over to me and raises a brow. "What was that noise?" She glances back into the kitchen, smirks, and looks back at me.

"May messed some shit up once again," she says rudely. "And Richard just took her into the back room." She saunters away and a feeling of dread rises in the pit of my stomach. I rise to my feet and hurry into the kitchen. The cook looks at me strangely.

"Where's May?" I ask. I hear a man yelling and I don't wait for an answer as I rush towards the back room. I throw the door open, catching a man, whom I'm assuming is Richard, with his hand up May's skirt, and she appears to be in pain. I growl and I grab him by the collar, throwing him into some metal shelving behind him. He grunts and I lift my knee up, hitting him in the groin. He doubles over in pain and I quickly raise my other knee, knocking the air from his lungs. I lift him up and slam him into the shelving again. "Listen here, Dick, I better not catch you touching or LOOKING at May again, do you hear me? I find out that you so much as LOOK at her wrong, I'll come back here and kick your perverted ass. Got it?"

He nods his head, whimpering. I punch him in the gut and let him drop to the floor. I turn around and find May sitting on the floor, cowering away from me. I get on my knees and crawl over to her side. I try to wrap an arm around her shoulders but she moves away from me. "May, I won't hurt you, I promise," I reassure her. She cries into my shoulder and I hold her closely.

When she's able, I help her to her feet and she gets her coat and purse. I spit on the quivering man as I pass. "You can close you sorry ass motherfucker," I say as we walk out. May slips on her coat as we walk out into the cold night. We stand there in silence for a few minutes. "My car is at my place if you want to walk with me to get it. It's only a few blocks." She nods her head and we start walking down the street, her on the right and me on the left.

"Are you always so quick to violence?" she asks, as she tucks her hands into her pockets. I chuckle nervously and scratch my forehead.

"When it comes to someone screwing with someone that I care about than yes." She looks up nervously.

"But you hardly know me..." She stares at the ground. I shrug my shoulders.

"That doesn't matter to me, May. I can tell that you're different, special even." Under a streetlight, I see that she's turned a bright shade of pink. I smirk and we stop at a crosswalk, waiting for cars to pass. Her silence begins to worry me, and I clear my throat, nervously. "I'm sorry...that wasn't...right of me, I guess."

She shakes her head, and smiles at me. "It's okay, really. Your name is June, right?" I nod my head. "June what?"

"June Love Crowley."

"That's beautiful." I blush.

"Thanks." We get to my house and I take my keys out of the inside pocket of my jacket. I unlock the doors and she gets in beside me. I turn the key and the engine roars to life. "Buckle up." She hurriedly buckles up and I pull out of the driveway. As I drive in front of the house, my mom comes out, holding a half empty bottle of whiskey, yelling at the top of her lungs.

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