Just a Girl

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Delilah's P.O.V. Tuesday, 9:30 am

There was a time in my life when I used to not worry about anything. I didn't have a care in the world, but then highschool hit me. The weight of the world seemed to crash down upon my shoulders. In the beginning of freshman year I got cyberbullied. I watched as the person I thought was my friend completely betray me, and went to intensive counseling for it. In six weeks my counseling was done, but I found myself falling into a downward spiral, and before I knew it, I was diagnosed with depression. Now it's the end of senior year, and my life is crumbling around me. I'm just waiting for someone to dig me out of the rubble.

Doctor's P.O.V- Tuesday, 10:00 a.m

The Tardis is acting particularly odd today. First she wouldn't go where I wanted to go, then she completely refused to let me back in the console room. Anyways, I landed in a town somewhere in America...not quite sure exactly what town. The TARDIS won't tell me. For now I'll follow the stars to wherever they might lead me.

Delilah's P.O.V, Tuesday 12:00
I think I've been waiting for a while now. I've been waiting for someone to save me... Just anyone. My parents don't know that I've been through this much. I don't want them to worry. So I've got no one to turn to. I wish, I wish, I wish. Maybe the stars will guide me to safety...

Doctor's P.O.V Tuesday, 12:45 am

The stars led me to a street corner. There's a girl... She's sitting on a curb. I approach her slowly and see she's crying. She's got a diary in her pale hands. "What's wrong?" I ask.
She looks up at me with a desperate, tear stained expression on her face.
"No one's ever asked me that in years. Thank you." She wipes tears from her big, blue sleep deprived eyes. I decide to sit down on the curb beside her. She looks like she could use a friend.
"Well, it looks like you could use somebody."
"That's true," she says, and shivers from the frost-bitten air. I take off my long, tan trench coat, and place it around her shoulders.
"Won't you be cold?" She asks.
"No, I won't. You look like you could use it more." Her grateful eyes met mine, and they seemed as if they were smiling for the first time in years.
"Thank you... What's your name?" She asks.
"Oh! Forgive me, where are my manners? I'm the Doctor."
"Just the Doctor? That's it? You have to have a real name, right?"
"Nope... Well, I might. It's, it's not something I want to associate myself with anymore. I chose the Doctor because I like helping people in need."
"Well, I guess now I know you can't be a serial killer," she laughs.
"Ah. Well, you don't have to worry about me...what did you say your name was?"
"Delilah. Delilah Jones."
"Beautiful. Lovely name! Anyways, I never asked you, what are you doing here all by yourself this late?"
"That's a story for another time. It's too hard to talk about... Let's just say that I'm waiting for something else, a new start. If a knight in shining armor is out of the question, then all I can hope for is a new life." I sat there, wondering how I can make Miss Delilah Jones appreciate the little things in the universe.
"Come with me," I say, and grab her by the hand. Surprisingly, she doesn't protest. We walk down the cold, cobblestone street, moonlight casting a heavenly shadow over the earth. When we reach the end of the road, I pause. I am careful to look into Delilah's eyes and make her feel secure before tell her who I am, my secrets and my truths. Sitting behind the hedge at the dead end of Willow street is a box. It's not just any box, it's my Tardis, the one that defines my very being.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2015 ⏰

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