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Min-Jun Birth name:Kim Min-Jun English name:Mason Kim Age:26(2 years older than Azul) Birthday:April 4th 1993 Oldest,Middle,youngest:Oldest Languages:English,Korean Nationality:Korean + American
Fun facts
☻Immediately Supported Azul ☻Is Azul's Favorite Sibling ☻is a music Teacher ☻They both used to shared A sound cloud ☻Azul still talks to him Daily
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Ji-Yoo Birth name:Kim Ji-yoo Age:18(6 years younger) Birthday:November 8th 2001 Oldest,middle,youngest:Youngest Languages:Korean and English Nationality:Korean
Fun facts ☻A senior in high school ☻She visit her sister every 2 months ☻Both used to Fight a lot ☻Loves NCT ☻Has a different dad
May.B's Siblings
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Chun-hee Birth name:Zhao Ah-Kum Korean name: Park Chun-hee Age:24 (1 year older) Birthday:June 10,1995 Oldest,Middle,Youngest:Oldest Languages:Korean,English, Chinese Nationality:Chinese+Korean
Fun facts
✆ An Instagram model ✆Goes to their shows when she can ✆Doctor ✆May.B taught her English ✆don't see each other a lot
Dice's Siblings
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Joon-Won Birth name:Min Joon-Won English name:Jayden Min Age:19((3 years older) Birthday:July 17,2000 Oldest middle youngest:Youngest Languages:Korean,French Nationality:Korean+British
Fun fact
☆A freshman in college ☆currently a life guard(Wants to be a chef ) ☆Him and Dice used to have a very bad relationship ☆he Admires his older sister Very much ☆The sweetest child
Karma's Siblings
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Akira Birth name:Sato Akira Korean name:Jeon Hyun Shik Age:25 Birthday: December 6th 1994 Oldest Middle youngest:Oldest Languages:Japanese,Korean,Chinese,Tagalog Nationality:Japanese+Korean
Fun facts ♡The most Annoying ♡Taught Karma Korean ♡Blind as a bat ♡Surprised her in her 17th birthday at a show ♡Model
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Aito Birth name:Sato Aito Korean name:Jeon Hyun Ki Age:24 Birthday:May 1st,1995 Oldest middle youngest:Middle Languages:Japanese,Korean,Cantonese Nationality:Japanese+Korean
Fun facts ♡Photographer ♡is like Karma's Beat friend ♡The favorite Sibling ♡really loud ♡Let's Karma play with his hair
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Hina Birth name:Sato Hina Korean name:Jeon Mi-Cha Age:22 Birthday:September 14th,1997 Oldest middle youngest:Middle Languages:German,Japanese,Korean,English Nationality:Japanese+Korean
Fun facts ♡Makeup Artist ♡Teaching Karma German ♡Went yo Karma Solo concert ♡did the Bon Bon chocolat makeup look ♡Karma's Travel buddy